Chapter Four - Excepting

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Kaya POV

I'm sitting at the end of shift eating the yummiest pot roast and drinking my soda. When Harlow flops into the booth opposite me.
I look up to see her smiling at me ... the smile tells me she is up to something... I raise my eyebrows in question and she laughs
" your learning girl!"
I giggle and put my hand over my mouth in surprise I have been doing that more often, I think... no I know it's cause she bring it out in me..

"What can I do for you boss?"
"Well you see this weekend we are having a cookout at the club house on Saturday and I will really need help preparing all the food would you be able to help me ?"
I don't see why I am still getting this big smile if that's all she asking me to do....
"Sure what time do you need me here?"
"Well that's the thing I hate cooking all the food here and having to transport it to club house when they have a industrial kitchen there... so can I pick you up at 8am Saturday morning?"
Oh hot damn!!!
There will be heaps of people around ....I'm already starting to stress about the hole idea!
Moving in my seat I try to think of how to say no politely and more so Harlow can't argue my excuse
" ummm I don't think ..."
"Yes I think you should... there will only be us and Delilah in the kitchen most the morning. Then you can stay for a feed and I'll drop you home after!!"

Oh shoot!!
"Harlow I don't do well with crowds..."
" Well good thing it an't a crowded cookout but a family cookout!"
She's saying all this with a huge smile on her face and honest to god I don't want her not smiling...she has done so much for me and it's clear this means so much to her...
"I'm freak out at the thought of it... Harlow but ok... I'll Cc..come."
" OH AWESOME Kaya!!"
"It's so lucky you said yes cause I was about to have to pout, cry and guilt you into it" she patts my hand jumps up to go serve and all I can think is how bad of a idea this is and how I think I totally just got played!

Saturday Cookout
Harlows POV
At 7:54am I pull up to get Kaya she is so quite, you can tell she's nervous with all that wriggling in her seat but I'm not going to say anything. I'm just going to keep talking like I always do. Eventually she should calms down and relaxes.

As we pull up on the alleyway at the compound I watch for her reaction, she looks scared outer her mind, I know she just needs to see it's a safe environment to relax.. I know this girl has been threw the wringer and someone or someone's has a lot to answer for and I can only hoping that one day she feels confident enough to confide in me so I can make sure that someone is strung up and suffers nice and slow.

Look out the windscreen of my truck I try to see what she seeing. I see the two story brown office building with French style glass windows that is converted in to our clubhouse, I see the underground car park ramp thats got people walking in and out of..... and the courtyard at the near the alleyway I have parked

"Kaya" "it's ok I would never bring you somewhere that wasn't safe also I have your back just like every other person here today. You are under my protection... which means anything done to you they are doing to me..ok ?
"OO..o...Ok!!!" She replies!
"Stay with me you will be fine and if for some reason your not then say so and I will take you home straight away... we good?"
"Can I...I have just a Mm... minute maybe two please ?"
"Sure Darlin"

I know she likes it when I talk to I start explaining the club to her, how a Old lady is equivalent of a wife and there place in the club. I talk about how the club is a 1% club and that means that they live by there own code and laws that they are a brotherhood and that their women are treated like queens and their children are treated like royal princes and princess. But are called club brats! How if someone hurts one of us they are hurting all of us!

" what about the club Ww..whor....girls?"

"Well Darlin there a breed of there own!" Kaya looks at me and tilts her head to the side. I huff..yes huff! "look they have there purpose and place in the club but they have no real rights beside that! Some are lovely girls who enjoy sex, and are looking for a fun time, roof over there heads and a warm meal, we have had a couple that we have help go threw collage and onto to live their dreams, some well are just bottom feeding bitches that need a good smacking..

Kaya takes a deep breath
"Are they all here willingly or are they slaves?"
I am totally taken by surprise by her question I just look at her with my mouth open... I have so many questions... but don't know if I should be asking or putting her mind at ease for now...
"Kaya... I think we need in future to talk more in detail why you would ask a question like that but for now I'm going to reassure you they are all here willingly and can leave at anytime ...O..K ?"
She blushes and looks done then whispers
"ok... I didn't mean to offend"
"You haven't ok... now are you ready to head in?"

Well nodding her head she undoes her seat belt then opens her door ... as she's about to get out she turns back looks at me ... "thank you Harlow" I smile at her "not a problem Darlin .. just happy you decided to come today now let's get moving heaps of shit to get done!

With a slight giggle we walk arm in arm across the ally to the courtyard entrance.
Stopping just inside the courtyard we watch as my Old man Danny stand next to my daughter Delilah watching her boss the prospect around about where table, lights and the spit should go ...
"No dip shit ... the spit goes over on the left wall and bbq on the right serving tables either side of the club doors..." I can feel Kaya silent giggles next to me as we watch everything unfolding..

Danny spots us and walks over shaking his head...
Your daughter I tell ya!... I laugh at him and shrug my shoulders.... "You wouldn't have either of us any other way..."
He looks at me doubtful... then laughs
"Your right babe you both make my life interesting and keep me on my toes"
He then looks to Kaya "hey darlin you came?"
Kaya gives him a shy smile and surprises me when she reply's with " don't think I had a choice Mr president" at this Danny cracks up laughing " No! No! I don't think you did"

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