Chapter Three - Club Life

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Steel's POV
"Steel it's ok! She will be ok, your ma is with her" I turn to look at my Pops and shake my head.. feeling very frustrated I turn to look at the bitch sitting at the booth behind our's "you little bitch!!! Your lucky I don't hit women!!" I look to the prospect's that brought the club whores with them. "but I can kick your arse for bring them with you!!"
They both scramble to apologise ... I put my hand up and "get your bitches and get the fuck out now! And don't come back in here for a month!"
One is mumbling under his breath as they leave something about their pussy's not being worth missing out on my ma's food for a month.

"Pres" my Pops looks at me! "think we should miss lunch and give her some time?" Pops nods "yeah son just let me say bye to yer Ma" He walk's out back and the three of us walk out to our bikes and wait for Pa

I light up a smoke and take a big inhale to help relieve the stress. Fuck... how am I meant to get to know her now! I have watched the cute little thing now for the last month.
She has this sandy blonde hair with the cutest button noise and juicy plum lips... she has forest green eyes, that suck me in every time, they are so full of sadness and something about her makes me want to protect her. It not even that I want to fuck her.. I mean sure she's hot! Nice big arse with sexy as fuck wide hip's that have this natural sway to them... But a little on the young side for me.. she's around my sisters age 19/20.

Every time one of us try to speak to her she gets all jittery... Ma says she need a family but we will see and like Pops says it deepens what shit she brings with her she ain't club, not a Old lady, Daughter or Club whore! So we can only do so much.
Guess time will tell... Pops walks out nodding at me ... letting me know she's ok ... he knows for some unknown reason I give a shit.. "ok boys let ride!"

It's been a few days since the shit at Ma's diner.. the club whores are giving me the shit's cause there all complaining that I took the side of a outsider. But Ma put a stop to that telling everyone she is under her protection, and if they fuck with Kaya, Ma will be dealing with them which threw both Pops and I cause she has never offered that to anyone...
Pops isn't very happy cause it also means if Kaya fucks up Ma will have to take responsibility as she is club .. we never offer protection to outsiders or civilians.

We are sitting in church discussing our meeting that's coming up with the Hells Spawns MC from the West Coast they want to use our charter in Miami and bring there products threw us, we are the mother chapter (the first and head of all club charter's) we have eight charter clubs that run up the East Coast of the USA from Miami to Maine. All the Presidents have a say and have meetings when it affects the whole club, last week we all agreed to meet HSMC to see what their offer is.
At the head of the table is my father Pres (Danny) then to his left is Demon, his VP. To his right of Pres, is Killer (Sargent in Arms). I'm next to killer (Road Captain). And across from me is Chaser (Treasure)
Lacer is next to him as our I.T / security guy, and standing near the doors and about to sit is Digger (secretary). he's coming in late from god knows where, that man can never be on time. We are the main officers of the mother chapter.

I zone back in when Chaser speaks up.
"Pres I don't even like the idea of meeting these fuckers!!"
"Look Chaser you have expressed your concerns and you're not the only one.. we are not agreeing to anything till we have all the facts ok!!"
Chaser nods his head but you can see he's not happy with it! We continue talking about the 'where and when' and 'pros and cons' of each place and time..
We finally agree for next Monday and 7pm at the pig sty our local bar. We won't be the only Charter present their will be a few other from two other charters as well.

We discuss or club's finances and update on any of the business we have. To finish of our meeting we discuss that we will be having cookout Saturday where all the families and hang around are welcome then after 9 pm will be club party, usually we have cookouts on Sunday but as two other charters will be in town we are changing it up and having Sunday as a rest day before the meeting on Monday.

"Ok boys let's call it a day!! Everyone start to walk out as I stand to leave needing a stiff drink and smoke, might get one of the club whores to suck me off too...
"Yep Pres!"
"Stick around"
I sit back in my chair and Pres looks at me as if unsure how to say what it is he thinking. Which is rear he never think before he speaks!

"Son your Ma has ask me to speak to you about something I'm not sure I should... umm well ... fuck!"
"Pops just spit it the fuck out would ya... your making my balls sweet"
Chuckling Pops says the last thing I ever expected.
" Sob your Ma would like to know your intentions with Kaya!"
I look and him dumbfounded!
"Fuck no pops I an't having this kinda convo with you! I don't have intentions I'm 26 years old I wrap, dip and slap it on the way out the door! If there's a door!!"
We both laugh and he nod in understanding
" son I was like you till I meet your Ma but..."
"No but!!!"
"Just listen for a second yeah!"
I shy and wait.
" Your Ma swept in like a hurricane and changed it all for me and no matter how much I fought what was growing between us and might I add hurt her in the process..."
He breaths the last part out like he still kicking himself over it.. and knowing my Pops, he is!!

"Son we have both watched you with her over the last month and seen thing ... fuck I not good at this shit!!! Just think before you act son and if you only want to fuck her Do...Not...Do...It!!! She is to sweet and innocent and she has had some shit happen to her....
"What shit!" I ask angry and ready to hurt whoever has fucked with her!! I mean I'm not stupid anyone can see something has fucked her up...

Pops gives me that look like see !!! Then a look of did you just cut me off!!!
"Son! I don't know what but she has started to open up to your mother and to get to my point and get this conversation over with ... think with your actual brain and not your dick... be careful with her!"
Then in a really rushed sentence Pop say also your Ma is dragging her along for the cookout !!
"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
I am concerned she can barely handle six to ten of us at the diner at one time, let alone a cookout with all the family plus the other charters..

Again I get the look of see!! I growl and tighten my hands into fist piss he trying proving a point.

"Right well Saturday should be interesting!"
We both chuckle I look him dead in the eye and make my point clear!
"I hear you Pops and I am differently listening"
"Good!!! Good!! Now thank fuck that's over let go have a drink before I head home to your Ma and sister"
I laugh at him slap him on the back as we walk out "Sure Pops you'll need that drink before heading home to deal with Delilah"
"Sure do!!! your sister will be the death of me and any future man she decides is worthy of her time"
I role my eyes
"She's not going to get any man ever!"
"Sure!! Son!! Sure!!"

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