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Working in a lab wasn't actually as bad as most made it out to be. Hours were manageable and the work wasn't too tiring most days. Salem Aspen actually enjoyed it. This was a job they loved doing and it actually paid pretty well. It was almost perfect.

Though there was one little issue.

Their boss: Miguel O'Hara.

Nitpicky, rude, arrogant, and just a straight up ass. He always made an effort just to be especially jerky with Salem. They wouldn't say they hated him though. They just severely disliked him. Though... they had to admit he was really attractive. Almost all of the girls in the office had some type of crush on him. Salem wasn't really any different, unfortunately.

Today was like any other. Salem was in their office, staring at their screen as they went over a few formulas. There had been something that went wrong, so they were checking both their math and the formula used to see what the issue was.

Miguel, like always, barged into their office without even a knock. A stack of papers was dropped onto their desk. He cleared his throat, causing Salem to look up at him with a blank expression.

"You filed these wrong," was all he said.

Salem sighed, pinched the bridge of their nose and prepared themselves for the incoming headache. His constant complaining always drove them up the wall.

"And what did I get wrong, exactly?" They asked, leaning back in their chair as they crossed their arms. They really did not want to deal with his bullshit.

Miguel only looked at them, a brow arched. Salem matched his expression. They were the only one willing to match his sass.

He then suddenly leaned forward, placing his hand on the desk.

His face was only inches from Salem now.

Their breath hitched.

They gripped their arms tightly, ignoring the pounding of their heart and the strange feeling in their lower stomach. Their expression remained the same. He wasn't allowed to know how much he affected them, nor was he allowed to know that even though Salem did not like him, they still had a massive crush on him.

His eyes narrowed, almost as if he sensed those little changes. They hoped he didn't.

"I thought I said to fix that attitude of yours, Salem." His voice was husky and deep now, a threatening undertone to it. It was enough to almost make them shiver.

"What attitude? I don't see any attitude," they snap back, trying to cover up their nervousness.

Miguel could sense this. His nostrils flared. Whether it was annoyance or something else, they couldn't tell. They puffed out their chest a bit.

He leaned forward slightly once more. Salem could feel his breath now.

A hand found its way to their chin, his large fingers being rough but also surprisingly gentle. They gulped, their eyes going wide for just a moment. He definitely noticed that one. There almost looked to be a look of triumph in his eyes. There also seemed to be something else there. Though... Salem couldn't tell what.

Salem hated how he did this to them. How he always managed to turn them into putty. Interactions like this were common between them, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. They often got comments from the guys in the office that they need to hurry up and fuck already. The girls seemed rather jealous that they never got that type of attention from him.

"Salem," he began, his tone trying to warn them.

"What, Miguel?" They ask. Their voice cracked once they said his name and they gulped. If he didn't know they were nervous before, he definitely knew now.

"You need to learn when to keep your mouth shut."

And before Salem could even protest, he quickly pressed his lips against their own.

Salem gasped, their eyes going wide once his lips met theirs. They couldn't control themselves anymore. Their eyes fluttered to a close and they kissed back, their hands cupping his cheeks.

The kiss was deep, but also gentle and sweet, their lips tenderly moving against each other.
Neither wanted to pull away. Neither wanted this to end. It was clear that they had both wanted this for so long.

Never in a million years did Salem ever think they would be kissing their boss, the man they disliked(and loved) with every fiber of their being. Yet here they were, his hand on their chin as they shared a tender kiss. It was enough to make them weak in the knees. Luckily they were sitting down.

Miguel hummed and pulled away, staring deeply into the others eyes. They both panted and Miguel seemed to be slightly proud of himself. He smirked, his hand still holding chin.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that," he said after a while. They could have sworn they saw a slight blush across his cheeks.

Salem's eyes were still wide open, their lips slightly parted. It took them a while to register his words. It took them even longer to realize that their feelings for him might have been mutual.

"M-Me too..." they breathed out, still trying to recover. "Does... does that mean that you...?"

Miguel sighed, pecking them on the lips. "Yes, idiot. Now get to fixing those files. Hurry up. I'm taking you out to dinner tonight." And before Salem could even answer, he was already out the door, leaving them absolutely bewildered.

With a blush on their face, they went through the stack of papers. Though they realized something.

Miguel never told them what was wrong with the files.

Miguel O'Hara Oneshots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now