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A/N: I got this idea from an art idea I wanna draw but don't have the skill for. This one might also get a little spicy. I honestly had no idea where this was going and it's kinda short.


"I'm sorry.."

A kiss to the knee. A scoff and a roll of the eyes. Another kiss to the knee. A loving sigh.

"Please forgive me, love."

Miguel gazed up at his lover from where he leaned down in front of them. He seemed genuinely apologetic and Salem could tell that he was. But Salem was stubborn. They wanted to know that he was genuinely sorry. His words weren't going to be enough. Usually, they would be.. but not this time.

"Show me. Show me you're sorry," they said, staring down at him. To be honest, it was a nice change of pace to be staring down at the taller man. It made them feel... powerful.

Miguel left another kiss on their knee. His large hands rested on their thighs, slowly spreading their legs to give him more access.  To allow for them to see just how sorry he was.

He began to leave a trail of soft and tender kisses up their thighs, alternating between each thigh. He slowly inched his way up further and further. Salem's breath hitched, their thighs already trembling just from his kisses. This caused Miguel to chuckle.

Leaving kisses along their inner thigh, he slowly came closer and closer to their clothed entrance. They were in a dress so he could clearly see the lingerie that Salem had worn tonight. He left a kiss on their right inner thigh, as close to their entrance as he could be without directly kissing it.

Salem tensed, holding their breath. They could feel their arousal slowly building from his tender actions. Just from his kisses alone, Salem was already an aroused mess. Their wide eyes stared down at him from where they sat. His eyes met theirs. A smirk was on his face. Salem scoffed and rolled their eyes.

Miguel hummed, amused by all of this.

His hands gently kneaded their thighs and he hummed softly, leaning forward to leave another kiss on their thigh. He skillfully played with their soft skin, his hands running over the many scars that littered their thighs. Those scars always made his heart hurt, knowing that they had struggled with so much mentally that they had gotten to that point. He left small kisses on them, being even more gentle with them now.

Him leaving those kisses on their scars made their heart melt, their body instantly becoming putty beneath him. He was always so gentle and caring with them. Every time, without fail, he managed to wash away their insecurities. Their scars were one of the greatest insecurities they had; their greatest shame. They hated their scars. They felt as though their scarring made them ugly.

Miguel didn't think so. He didn't think of them any less because of the scars. He always made sure Salem knew that even with their scars, he still loved them more than anything. Salem always melted when he paid extra attention to their thighs, kissing each and every scar to let them know that he still loved and cherished them for who they were, not their scars. Their scars were part of what made them as beautiful as they were in his eyes. And to him, they showed that even though they struggled in the past, they were still here: alive and kicking.

Salem let out a involuntary sigh, adoring the way he kissed up and down their thighs, not missing a single scar. They leaned forward, placing a hand on his face to caress his cheek.


Another sigh and a loving look.

"I forgive you."

Miguel O'Hara Oneshots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now