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A/N: this one gets a little spicy. This fic includes my Oc. I know Miguel isn't a vampire but I wanted to write something where he had that hunger for blood. it was actually really fun to write.


Miguel desperately needed a fix.

He had gone weeks without feeding, too focused on his job to protect the multiverse to even bother trying to find a source to feed from. He had to remain focused or else the multiverse would fail without him. He knew that much. But focusing was getting harder and harder by the day. And Miguel was hungry. He needed to feed and he needed to feed soon. Without the blood he needed, he was going insane. He couldn't handle it anymore.

His nostrils flared, his eyes going wide. Blood. He could smell it. He could feel it. Blood. He needed it. He needed it now. He needed to find it's source and feed.

His head quickly turned in the direction of it, only to find Salem emerging from a portal into his makeshift office with all of his monitors. They were clutching a bleeding arm, looking very obviously worn out from a huge fight. Their suit was torn in a few places, a couple of scratches and bruises here and there. The more notifying injury, however, was the one on their arm. He couldn't look away. It was almost... Calling to him.

Salem glanced up at him giving him a worn out smile and a thumbs up, still their usual jokey self even with a very injured arm. Though their smile faltered once they saw his expression.

His eyes were huge, pupils dilated. His breathing was heavy, his mouth slightly open. They could see his fangs. Those sharp fangs that could easily penetrate their skin. His hands were tense, his claws looking ready to grab them and hold them down. He was staring at them like they were his prey, caught helplessly in his trap and unable to escape. Salem had come into the room at the wrong time. Their injured arm doing nothing to help how badly he needed to feed.

"Miguel... Are.. are you okay?" Salem asked him, concern lacing their tone. They seemed genuinely concerned about him. The look on his face was unsettling to say the least and Salem was unsure if they should even be in the room with him right now.

"Salem... I... You..." Miguel began, unable to finish. He couldn't hold back anymore. He couldn't contain his hunger. He NEEDED  to eat.

He practically tackled Salem, pinning them against a wall. Salem's eyes were wide, still obviously confused by this whole ordeal. Their breath hitched and they realized that they're hands were pinned, Miguel's leg in-between their thigh, rendering them unable to move. "Miguel?" Their voice was caught in their throat and they looked up at him.

He was looking at them. Or rather, he was looking at their injured arm, his mouth almost watering at the sight of their blood. He needed it. His body was craving it. Craving more and more by the second.

A growl ripped its way from his throat, his breathing hard and fast. He looked down at them. "Blood... I need.." he was barely able to finish his sentence. He could barely hold himself together. It was taking everything he could to not bite them. His body was itching to bite. To feed. To take what was his.

Salem gave him a look, even more confused. Then they remembered their injured arm, everything suddenly clicking. "You... You need my blood?" This was met with what sounded like a grunt. Salem assumed this grunt was his way of saying that he did. They wanted to question him, but he really wasn't in the state to answer any questions. They could tell it was taking everything he could to keep it together. Since this was their partner, they weren't going to deny him what he so desperately needed, even if he did say he was never going to feed from them. Salem had told them before that he could, but he always refused to; no matter how hungry he had gotten. This time, though, he seemed as though he couldn't hold back.

"G-Go ahead- just don't- AH!" Miguel had already sunk his teeth into their injured arm. Pain quickly shot through their arm, but was quickly numbed due to the venom from his fangs coursing through their veins, rendering their body limp and unfeeling. They couldn't fight back even if they wanted to. And honestly... They didn't. They.. they wanted him to do this.

Miguel feasted on the blood from their arm like he hadn't eaten in weeks(which he hadn't). His grip on their arm was tight and his leg in between their thighs was the only thing keeping them in place. His tongue ran along their injury, tasting and licking their blood. He savored the taste along his tongue, almost moaning.

"You taste so good," he leaned down and whispered in their ear. His voice was husky and deep. His mouth still had their own blood dripping from it. If Salem was able to shudder, they would have by now. "Makes me want more..." He moved their head to the side, leaning down to kiss their neck. Salem whimpered, unable to ignore the heat pooling in their lower stomach. The fact that they were aroused by this made their face flush a deep shade of red. They couldn't believe they were in a situation like this. Nor could the believe they were aroused by any of this.

"M-Miguel..." They managed to get out, letting out another whimper. Their body was weak and limp, there face red and their heart pounding in their chest.

Miguel shushed them with a gentle kiss on their lips. "Quiet, love..." He whispered to them, going back to attack their neck.

He began to leave various bites along their neck, biting down hard enough to draw blood. Salem could barely feel the pain, but each bite made them gasp and attempt to squirm. He savored their reactions to him; savored the taste of their blood. Before he knew it, he had become addicted to them and the taste of their blood. Something about theirs was... Different. A good different. A good type of different that left him craving more and more.

But he stopped himself, realizing that he had gone too far.

Salem's neck was littered with his bites, each one bleeding. The wound on their arm had stopped bleeding, but he knew he should patch it up before anything else happened. They sheepishly looked at him, panting heavily.

He remained silent, picking up their limp body. A strong hand on their back and an arm under their legs. They gazed at him, still whimpering softly. He shushed them with a tender kiss on their lips, whispering sweet nothings to them. To be honest, he felt a little guilty about doing this to them, so he was going to make it up to them.


Salem's head laid against his chest as he bandaged their arm. The bites on their neck had been cleaned and patched up. Little by little, feeling began to return to their body and... to say they were sore would be an understatement. They groaned, leaning against him.

He kissed their forehead. "I'm sorry, love..." he whispered, running his fingers through their hair. Miguel had always been gentle with Salem. Almost like they were a fragile doll about to break. While they adored it, sometimes they needed him to be more rough with them.

"Miguel.. why didn't you tell me you were hungry..?" Salem tenderly took his hand, holding it to their cheek as they leaned into his touch.

"I already told you. I'm not going to feed from you." He shook his head, guilt written across his features.

"Hon.. I already told you that I don't mind it when you do. It's not like I'm going to deny something like that. In fact.. I uhm-... Actually like it." The last part was said quietly, their cheeks flushing a soft shade of red.

Miguel's eyes went wide, shock written on his face. "You... Enjoy it?"

"Yeah, I do. It's uhm... kinda hot."

Miguel leaned down, a finger under their chin forcing them to look up at him. "Well... I guess I'll just have to feed from you more often, hm?"

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