Having Him As a Roommate

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Just some random headcanons of what having him as a roommate might be like! Reader is gender neutral.
Some of these might be out of character, but I really enjoyed writing them.

Just moving in
- he'd be intimidating at first. Wouldn't really talk all that much. Would only respond when he really needed to. Other than that, radio silence.
- he'd help you with your things though! Make sure you're situated and wouldn't leave you hanging. He'd make sure you knew where everything was. He'd also have a few rules. The main one being to not go into his room without permission. Always knock first.
- once he makes sure you're situated, he'd leave you alone to adjust. You'd quickly learn he wasn't one for small talk and preferred to do his own thing. Talking to him was definitely extremely awkward.
- he always seems annoyed about something. You never really ask since you want to give him space.
- he is very adamant on having a schedule with certain things. Always very blunt and direct about things. Also very nitpicky with how you leave things. He has to have it a certain way.
- sometimes it seems like he actively avoids you, but you quickly learn he's extremely busy. You never bother to ask with what though.
- very strict on when your half of the bills need to be paid. Will often remind you.
- hates it when you play loud music. Seems to piss him off to no end. You learn that the hard way.
- can be a huge clean freak sometimes. Doesn't like messes and likes to have things organized. He spends a lot of his days off cleaning. He doesn't care about your room but he asks that you keep any messes that you make out of the hallway.
- it's not the best but you learn to manage. You soon learn he has a sweet side.

You come home after a hard day, already on the verge of tears. Today had just been rough and overwhelming and you really needed to go lay down. You drag your feet across the floor, trying your hardest not to cry. The sooner you made it to your room, the better.

Miguel was in the kitchen, preparing dinner. It was his day off so he decided to cook dinner for you too. A gesture of appreciation almost. You weren't a bad roommate and he honestly preferred it over being alone.

He heard the door open and peaked his head out from the kitchen, his eyes on you. He expected to see you at your usual self but instead... you looked overwhelmed and on the verge of tears. Usually, he could care less. There had been times when you came home like this but he left you alone to give you space. But this looked worse than usual. Something must have really bothered you.

He sighed, shaking his head slightly as he emerged from the kitchen. "Hey, I'm making dinner. It'll be done soon. Want some?" There's a kind tone to his voice. One that you hadn't heard before. Maybe he was in a good mood today?

You look up at him, praying he didn't see the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. You silently nod and follow him as he walks into the kitchen.

You sit down in the little island in front of the kitchen, watching him cook. His back was facing you as he cooked and you had to admit to yourself: this view of him was a little hot.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asks suddenly. This catches you off guard. He turns to face you. You could have sworn he had a concerned look on his face.

You silently shake your head, which makes him sigh. You were just like him. Never really talking about how you felt and keeping it bottled in.

"That bad, huh?" He hums, nodding a bit. He turns back around to finish cooking. You continue to stare, bewildered that he even bothered to take your feelings into consideration. He sighs again. "Take it easy tonight. I'll handle your part of the chores. You need to rest."

"But i-" you begin to protest, still caught off guard by his kindness.

He cuts you off. "Y/N. You need rest. You had a rough day." He then turns to face you. Now that you have a second look at him, he is definitely concerned. This leaves a strange feeling in your chest.

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