The arrival part 2 

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I've never  given much thought on how I would die but dying  in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. I bet heard that before yep that would be our older sister Bella swan, let us introduce ourselves I'm  Scarlett and I have a twin named cooper and we are 15 we were born may 21 199o we are Gemini twins. Renee found out she was pregnant with me and my brother after she divorced our dad Charlie swan and  she found out she was not happy because she had Bella who was the golden child the one that was actually wanted and not some kids that came from a failed marriage and when we were born she did the only logical thing she could think of starving and beating me and my brother and thankfully Phil tried to take care of us when Renee neglected to do so, or when Bella would  beat us or lock us in the basement or when Renee would beat us then lock us outside, but enough of that let's get on with the story we start in Arizona were me, my brother and our abusive older sister leaving to move in with our dad the only one besides Phil to care about me and my brother cooper and to actually care about what Renee and Bella do to us. to cope with the abuse from Renee and Bella me and my brother use little space or as some call it age regression and when Bella found out she told Renee and she freaked out and hurt me and my brother really bad they is when Phil finally convinced Renee to send us to live with our dad Charlie but sadly Bella had to come with us so that Renee could travel with Phil so that is where we are now getting ready to fly to forks Washington were our dad lives , I don't want you or your brother doing that freaky crap you two do , do you understand me. Yes ma'am , Scarlett said  thankfully after a tearful goodbye from Renee and Bella we were finally on the plane and when we landed we went to find dad when we finally found him he helped us put our bags in the car and unfortunately Bella got to sit in the front seat and when we got home dad showed Bella her room and then showed us our room then left us to unpack after a while     a truck pulled up and two men got out and me and my brother went out to see who it was and then Bella almost pushed me down the stairs , move there people here to see me, Bella said after we got outside dad introduced us to billy black and his son Jacob black , how do you like it said dad , like what Bella said, the truck is for you Bella, dad said  also Scarlett, cooper, Bella you start school Monday , dad said, ok, we all said.

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