A few days in the hospital

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I woke up to an annoying beeping sound and when I opened my eyes I seen my dad and my brother cooper I than asked. What happened my head hurts. My dad than said well you were kicked in the head multiple times. Dad said. What's going to happen with Bella. asked cooper. I don't know all we can hope is that Renee doesn't find out about what happened because she would definitely blame you for what happened. dad said.  When do I get to go home. I asked dad they want to keep you for a few days just to make sure there is no damage from when Bella attack you. dad said. Aw man dose that mean I have to go to school without my sister. cooper said. Yes but only for a few days. dad said. How long is a few days. I asked dad. 5 days maybe we'll have to wait and see what the doctors say. dad said. 5 days really that's so long without my sister with me what if Bella starts something. cooper asked worriedly. Nothing is going to happen to you. said dad to cooper. But what if something dose happen to me if she is not there. I promise you nothing will happen to you well your sister is in the hospital. dad said to cooper. Ok if you say so. cooper said. I will have the cullen's look after you while your sister recovers. dad said. Ok I will try to survive Bella without Scarlett there with me. Cooper said. If Bella does anything tell me immediately. dad said. All right than let's leave your sister to sleep and we're come back tomorrow. dad said. The next day dr Cullen comes to check on me. How are you feeling today. Dr Cullen asked. My head hurts a little bit. i said to dr Cullen. Well that is to be expected since you do have a concussion. dr Cullen said. A concussion is it bad. I asked worriedly. Not as bad as it could have been. dr Cullen said. Well I'm going to let you get some more sleep good night. Dr Cullen said. Good night. I said. The next day dr Cullen came and made sure I was ok and then my dad and brother came and visited me. How have you been. my brother cooper asked me. I have been good how have you and dad been. I asked cooper. We have been good a little lonely without you home. dad said. How has Bella been. I asked cooper. She has been a nightmare at school. Cooper said. The Cullens have been good so that's good. Cooper said. Well we have to go home now. dad said. After they left I went to sleep. The next day the Cullens showed up to see me. How are you feeling. Rosalie asked. I'm feeling good now how was Bella today. I asked Rosalie. She has been worse since you have been gone. Jasper said. She has been a real pain in the butt somedays. Emmet said. I will hopefully be back to school in a couple days so you won't have to deal with Bella by yourself for much longer. I said to the Cullens. I hope so because if you don't I might actually kill Bella. Rosalie said. Yea me to after being stuck in this room all with nothing to do and nobody to talk to I might go crazy but I have been spending time with my dad and brother but my dad works and my brother is at school so I have nobody to talk to. I said to Rosalie.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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