Talking with the Cullens

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( cooper blue and Scarlett pink and just the sock)
next day after school the Cullens stopped the twins, hey Scarlett and cooper wait up. said Edward. What's up did you guys need anything. said Scarlett. Yes actually we wanted to get to know the both of you. said Alice. Is Bella setting you up to this. Asked cooper. What no why would we do something like that. asked Rosalie. Well she has done it before so it wouldn't be a surprise if she set you guys up to this just to hurt us like she has before. said Scarlett. What do you mean hurt you before has she hurt you before. said Emmett. ( tw talk of abuse), oh you know the usual Breaking our bones when she's angry with us or just for fun or blaming us for something so that our Renee would beat us tithe break of death or not give us food for a week or so. said Scarlett. What do you mean the usual that's not usual why would she do that. asked Rosalie. How about we go see Carlisle to see if he will do a check up on the both of you. said Edward. What no what if Bella finds out she'll tell Renee that we told someone and she'll hurt us both, said Scarlett worried. Do worry Carlisle won't let anything happen to you. said Emmett. Oh trust me she always finds out when we tell someone of the abuse. said cooper. She won't hurt you anymore we won't let her hurt you guys anymore. said Edward. You don't know Bella like we do she will find out we told you guys about what she and Renee have done to cooper and I. said Scarlett. We won't let her hurt you guys if you will let us help you the both of you and if she does find out that you told someone we will deal with her. said jasper.  You just leave the Bella issue to us we will deal with that while Emmett and Edward take you both to get looked at by Carlisle. said Rosalie. There's a small problem with that plan we won't be able to see Carlisle until tomorrow  afternoon. said Alice. Why can't we see him tonight. asked Edward. Because he is working late an him and Esme are going out tonight so he will be very busy so he will not have enough time to check up on them and to see the damage done by Bella and Renee and the years of abuse and the years of starvation and all the mental abuse and torture they went through and who knows what Bella has done to them when they're dads not home or when there dads at work.

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