Meeting the cullens

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( what Scarlett and cooper are wearing. Scarlett black, cooper blue)

After what felt like hours of classes it finally time for lunch which we sadly shared with Bella and when we got there we found a empty table about ten minutes later a group of kids walked into the cafeteria and me and cooper realized that they were in some of our classes then we heard Bella ask Jessica who they were. Oh them they are mr.and mrs. Cullens foster kids, the blonde girl that's Rosalie and the big dark haired one that's Emmett and there together, the little dark haired girl that's Alice she's really weird and the one that looks like he's in pain that is jasper and finally there's Edward the only single one because apparently no here is good enough for him so don't even try well maybe not everyone. Scarlett and cooper seem like his type but that's for him to decide well they seem like all of their type there even sitting at the Cullens table. Jessica said. What why would Edward or any of the Cullens what them there freaks. Bella said. Why would you say that there your siblings. Angela said. No there just some freaks that can't act there own age. Bella said. It doesn't matter if they don't act there own age. Angela said. Yes it does they should act there own age, no wonder my mom would beat them and leave them outside. Bella said under her breath. All the Cullens heard what  and decided tomorrow  one of them would offer to talk at lunch to see if the are ok and to see if Bella has hurt them before and if she is still hurting them and to get to know them like what there favorite colors and food is.

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