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It's been a while since I have written here.

No motivation I guess.

A lot of my life has been not so great right now.

My parents came home to visit me.

They stayed for a month, and I tried to find ways to go out but it wasn't easy. I could only escape for class.

They kept telling me about all the great things my brother had been doing.

I understand I'll never be like him. I'm just a waste of space. I'm just not meant to be happy or be successful.

Chan and Changbin have been working on our songs, but I just haven't been able to give it my all and they know.

All the songs I have written they said were too depressing right now. That our fans want something else.

They also told me I might just need a break. To take a month off.

I think they are right, but now I have more time that I don't know what to do with.

Everyone is getting busier and we've had less hangouts. I've also seen that sometimes they hangout with you and don't invite me.

I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt, but I've also been declining invitations, even when you wouldn't be there. Maybe they just gave up.

I was with Felix, Hyunjin, and Seungmin the other day. They told me they wish I would come out more, I also think they knew it wouldn't happen.

Seungmin even tried his best not to joke with me too much, I think in hopes it would cheers me up, but it didn't.

They seem to be starting to give up on me, and I don't blame them.

I see you did too.

I haven't heard from you in a few weeks, and every day that I don't get a text from you I feel my heart ache more. Not that I have really been responding.

Some people would probably call me pathetic for not still being over you, but I don't think I ever will be.

I've never felt anything like this before, and I don't think I ever will again.

No one will ever understand what I mean but it felt like you were my soulmate.

I guess I just wasn't yours.


I can't find the words | minsung जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें