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This is going to be my last entry.

I'm going to give you this like notebook? Still not sure what to call it.

It's more like a few pieces of paper I just stapled together.

I don't really know what to feel right now, but I know it's the end of this journey.

Yesterday felt like a nice day.

I might have been faking a lot of it with you, but it was a good memory.

I think I want it to be my last one of you.

My last one.

I'm going to give this to you, because at least then you'll know. You'll understand why.

I'm sorry I wasn't there with you these past few months, but I just couldn't be.

I think this is the only way for me to feel free again.

When I'm done writing this I'm going to drop it at your door.

I'll knock twice but I won't stay.

I'll drive back home.

I just want you to know.

I cherished every moment I had with you. I still wish we could have been more, but clearly that was not meant to happen. I should have told you at some point, but I never had the courage or the words.

I wish I hand held you. I wish I had kissed you. I wish I had told you.

I wish I could go back to when we first met. I miss when you would call me those nicknames, like princess. Oh how I loved being your little princess. But in the end it looks like I truly never got to be.

I'm sure you'll move on fine, and do better things with your life. I'll just become a distant memory. That's all I need to be.

When I get back home I'm going to release the songs I've written these past few months. They are the last words I'll have for you to hear. I wrote them about you. At least you'll get those from me.

I hope you turn into something great. I know you will. You're such a beautiful dancer, I'm sure one day you'll be out there for everyone to see.

I called Felix a little bit ago. He didn't answer. I left him a voicemail. He'll probably be upset when he finally hears it, but he deserves to know as well.

I should wrap this up before it gets too late.

I just wanted you to know. I'm still sorry I could never say this to your face.

But I love you.

I always have.

I just need you to know that.

This is where I'm going to leave you.

Goodbye, my Minmin.

-Han Jisung

I can't find the words | minsung Where stories live. Discover now