Finding their rhythm

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Akihiko turned the water off. Waking up with Haruki in his arms had been pleasant. He smiled as he used the towel to wipe the steam from the mirror. What was he going to do with these feelings? He pondered as he finished up in the bathroom.

Turning around he looked about the room. Damn, he forgot to grab some clean clothes! Haruki was sure to still be asleep, right? He glanced toward the door. There wasn't anything he could do about it. He marched forward.

As he stepped out into the hall, Akihiko glanced toward the living room. The cloud of messy blond hair shifted. It turned, soft blue eyes met his. Haruki gasped as his mouth fell open.

"I, uh, forgot clothes." Akihiko pointed to the cupboard where he kept his clothing.

Haruki gathered the blanket around him, he scooted back so the tall muscled drummer could get to his things. Akihiko saw the blush on the others cheeks. He tried to ignore it.

Moving forward, he snagged the first thing his hands fell on. A pair of black nylon shorts and a red mesh shirt. It would have to do. Quickly, awkwardly he tried to hurry up and dress. Keeping his back to Haruki, he spoke.

"Uh, you can use the shower if you want..." He muttered.

"Um, ok, but..." the soft voice stopped in an inhale of pain. Akihiko spun around.

Haruki was half bent over the frame of the futon as he tried to get up. His breathing was labored as his legs didn't seem to want to obey him. Swiftly, Akihiko grabbed him. He helped him to stand. They stood like that, Haruki wrapped in the blanket inside Akihiko's arms. Slowly the smaller blond's breathing regulated.

"I'm sorry, um, you're sore." Akihiko muttered.

"If you can stand alone a moment I can fix the couch. You should rest, let me..." He ducked away to do as he said.

Haruki flushed red seeing the tight shorts frame the others well rounded ass. He tried to tame his wild mane of hair. Once the couch was fixed, Akihiko helped Haruki to lie down.

"Let me get you some breakfast." Akihiko offered.

"Can it start with a cigarette and coffee?" the sore blond asked. Akihiko smiled.

"Yeah, sure." There was still awkwardness between them, but maybe... Akihiko turned away to grab the items.

As he was making pancakes, Akihiko couldn't stop peeking in at the other. It had been awhile since his first time. He smiled when he saw Haruki look up at him. The others cheeks flamed red as he snuffed out the cigarette.

"First door?" He asked struggling to get up. Akihiko went to help him.

"No, no, it's fine. Don't burn the eggs." Haruki muttered.

Akihiko watched as he cooked. Haruki shuffled to the bathroom. Even over the sound of the frying food, he heard the other use the room, wash his hands then shuffle back out. Akihiko kept his back to the living room. He listened to Haruki getting dressed. The painful sigh as he slunk into the chair at the table, made Akihiko look at him.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"You're bigger than I thought." Haruki was still holding himself up from putting all his weight on his butt.

"Let me get you a pillow." Akihiko suggested, a smile toying with his lips.

A few days later Uenoyama sat on his scooter. Mafuyu was rushing down the stairs toward him. He almost fell down the second set of steps. Uenoyama quickly ran to the bottom to look up at him. The small ginger clung to the railing as he got his feet back under him.

Given: Pizza DeliveryWhere stories live. Discover now