The sound of heartache

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As Ritsuka led Mafuyu away, Akihiko reached for his pack of smokes. His eyes scanned the area where Haruki had gone. The slender blond had told him he was going to the bathroom. Akihiko had just put the cigarette to his lips. He saw the brunette walk from the bathroom.

The man stood outside, one hand in his pocket as he grinned at the door. He didn't look around. Shrugging, he dropped a cloth handkerchief into a garbage bin. Akihiko's mouth fell open. The unlit cigarette falling to the ground. A sound like a wailing banshee came from the bathroom. Akihiko didn't notice that he stepped on the cigarette as he ran down the hill.

He tore the door open. At first he thought the room was empty. He could hear the loud barking like cries, but didn't see the male. Haruki was hunched over under the sink. He had made himself so small, that he blended in with the shadows. Akihiko rushed to him. Haruki fought him, kicking, crying, screaming.

Akihiko had to give up before he broke something. He stood to lock the door. Coming back, he saw that Haruki was away from the wall a bit. Squeezing down behind him, Akihiko wrapped his arms around the small thin shoulders. He petted the silky long blond hair.

"What did that asshole say?" he chocked out of a throat too tight for words.

Haruki only cried harder. Akihiko felt his hands clawing at his arm. He pulled him tighter to him. He growled hugging the man to his chest. Akihiko fell to his butt, he pulled Haruki onto his lap. Silently, he was glad that Haruki allowed him to do this.

"Come on, calm down. Whatever he said it wasn't the real truth." Akihiko pushed.

"I mean, I'm sure he used some of the truth, but he likes to twist shit up. Ugetsu is only happy making others miserable." Akihiko muttered.

He kissed Haruki's head. "It's why I still don't feel like I deserve you." He whispered stroking a calming hand down the others back.

"You are better than anyone I know, Haruki. I've been infatuated..." He stopped himself as he pressed his face into the top of the blond head. He drew in the scent of the man. It was flowered, light like a summers wind.

"That's not right. I've been in love with you for a long time. I just didn't think you could like, or ever possible love someone so fucked up as I am." Akihiko whispered.

"You're not fucked up." Haruki choked out. His tears were slowing.

"What did he say? I have the right to defend myself, don't I, Akihiko asked.

"He, he said you were still in love with him. That, that's why your phone screen..." more tears leaked out from Haruki's eyes. Akihiko pulled his phone out. He placed it in Haruki's hand.

"Go ahead turn it on." Haruki squeezed the button.

An image appeared. It was of Haruki. He swiped over the tab, a code panel came up. Akihiko whispered the numbers into Haruki's ear. He typed them in. Another picture of Haruki came up.

"I changed them that night." Akihiko whispered. He leaned his head back against the wall.

"What else? I know he said more than that." He pressed.

"You, you sleep around for money." Haruki muttered.

"Yeah, I did. See my folks, they are loaded. They also took off once they dumped me in boarding school. I haven't seen them since I was twelve." Akihiko muttered.

"After graduation, I got into college. They dumped more money into my account, but it ran out after a year. I had some unknown expenses." He muttered.

"I had no way of finding them. No phone number, no address, nothing. Ugetsu let me live with him, even though we had technically already broken up. It was hell. He would bring guys over, fuck right in front of me, sometimes even try to get me to join. Finally I started to leave whenever he did this." Akihiko's voice took on a cold chilly tone.

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