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Haruki glanced up from restringing his bass. He smirked as he ducked his head once more. Akihiko was silent as he came in. It had been a month. The contest was tomorrow. He had hardly seen the drummer over the last four weeks. They practiced together, occasionally spent the night at his apartment? But Akihiko was often gone when Haruki woke up.

"Why don't you ever stay for breakfast any more?" Akihiko asked as he walked toward the bassist.

"Huh?" Haruki looked up at him.

"You're gone when I get back." Akihiko said.

"Oh, uh well I woke up and you weren't there..." Haruki muttered.

"I left a note!" Akihiko huffed. "It was under your coffee cup." He added.

"Um, the napkin? I spilled coffee, used it to clean it up." Haruki stated.

"Next time just stay. I was coming back." Akihiko informed him. Haruki secretly liked that the drummer was planning a next time.

The practice went smoothly. They all called goodnight to each other. Akihiko offering to give Haruki a ride back to his place. Haruki chuckled. Explaining he wasn't going to leave Mafuyu on the bus alone. He waved his fingers in departure.

The next morning Uenoyama stood next to the sign up table. He had already marked their band present. He looked around, checked his phone as he waited for Mafuyu. There was a sound of shuffling feet on the stone walkway before him. He lifted his head hoping to see Mafuyu. Instead it was someone else. Someone who looked familiar. He tilted his head trying to recall where he saw the tall golden haired man who walked with a guitar case strapped to his back. He was smiling at something off to his left. He brought his face around.

Upon seeing him fully it clicked with Uenoyama, this was him... Mafuyu's ex. The ginger had showed him a picture of the guy with his band mates. The brown eyes found Uenoyama starring at him.

"Ritsuka Uenoyama." The man breathed out in an awed tone.

"How, how do you know me?" Uenoyama asked. The boy had an easy laugh.

"Come on, you're like the real deal, some superstar protégé! I've been following you ever since you were with the Hairless dogs!" Yuki cried.

"Lame name." Uenoyama looked away. That band, he had barely been thirteen when he got into it. All the guys were far older than he was, two were already in college. They acted like his guardian to get him into clubs so he could play.

"So, you have a new band?" The guy asked. Then slapped himself upside the head.

"Oh, sorry names Yuki Yoshida." He offered out his hand.

Before Uenoyama could take it two things happened. Two guys came up behind Yuki. One was tall with dark hair, he looked bored being dragged around by the other guy, a small blond kid. The other thing was Uenoyama's name was called out.

"Ritsuka!" Mafuyu yelled upon seeing him.

Yuki turned at the sound of that voice. His hand was swung up as he smoothed his hair down. He grinned awkwardly at the boy who suddenly stopped a few feet away.

"Mafuyu." Ritsuka and Yuki whispered at the same time.

"What? What are you doing here?" Mafuyu demanded upon locking eyes with the blond.

"I still have a band." Yuki muttered.

"So, I was the only thing you left behind?" Mafuyu hissed.

"MAF! IT WASN'T LIKE THAT!" Yuki cried.

Ritsuka moved away from the trio. He took Mafuyu's hand. "Hey, let's go." He whispered.

"Oh, you guys are together." The other blond stated.

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