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Harry had the same cap and sunglasses on as yesterday so when we were walking no one would recognise him. Well yes, there was a few fans that came up and said hello but not as many if he didn't have the accessories on.

We walked down this little street towards a small coffee shop tucked away in the corner of it.

"Is this where we are going?" I pointed towards the building.

Harry just smiled and carried on walking.

I guess that's where we are going.

We arrived at the shop, it was so cute. The theme was Alice in Wonderland. They served pancakes, waffles, coffee and lots more. We walked in to the cafe and took a seat in the corner.

"What can i get you two?" The waitress asked.

"Can i get some pancakes and a coffee" Harry spoke whilst looking at the menu.

"and for you, Miss?"

"The same for me, thank you" I said, connecting my eyes with Harry's. This time we made eye-contact it felt passionate. It was never like this before.

"Thank you" The waitress said and left us.

Harry took off his sunglasses and hat, we talked about my home town and things about ourselves. He talked about his time on Dunkirk and Don't Worry Darling. I even told him about my dream career ever since i was younger, was to be a performer.

I thought about telling him about my Dad but I don't think i'm ready to talk about that. He was my biggest problem in my life and everytime I talk about him tears form in my eyes from all the memories that flood back.

The waitress came with our pancakes and our coffees, this was when she recognised Harry and I think also me as she kept staring at me.

"Here you go." She said trying to contain her excitement. "Also, you're Harry Styles and Maddy, The girl he sang with at Coventry N2."

Harry laughed, "Yes, we are."

"I thought so. Your duet is all over social media, I was also at Coventry Night 2." She said showing us a video of us singing on the bit i'll always remember, 'when I run out of rope, you will being me home'.

I laugh, it was funny that it was that bit of that bit of the song going viral.

"Can I take a picture with you both?" The waitress asked kindly.

"Of course, what's your name?" Harry said with a smile.

"It's Holly" She took her phone out of her pocket.

"It's nice to meet you, Holly" Harry replied back with a warm smile on his face.

Me and Harry gather into the photo. Harry put his arm around her whilst I just leaned inwards.

"Do you want me to take one of just you and Harry?" I asked, I knew she would probably like that.

"If that's okay with him" She turned to face him.

"Yes of course it is!"

I took a few photos, gave her phone back and we sat down to eat our pancakes.

"Oh wow these are amazing." Harry said filling his mouth up with pancake and marshmallows.

"Yes they're" I agreed. I looked at the time on my phone and it had nearly been an hour and a half.

"Um, Harry. It's nearly been 2 hours didn't Jeffery say he wanted us back by then?"

"Oh shit, yes he did." He stuffed his face with the last mouthful of his food (because we ordered more as it was so good) and told the waitress that the money was on the table. At this point, we were running back.

"Wait, Harry i'm not fit enough for this" I said bending over and putting my hands on my knees to catch my breath. Harry just laughed, he waited for me to catch my breath. However, we were nearly back so we just speed-walked the whole way back.

We both just made it in time before the 2 hour mark. At that time, everyone was waiting for us.

"Sorry to keep you waiting guys" Harry said, flopping onto one of the chairs in the dining area to catch is breath.

"Hey guys, it's nice to meet you!" I said giving everyone a hug.

"Oh so your the girl Harry always talks about." Sarah said with a sheepish grin.

"Yeah he hasn't stopped talking about you since Coventry Night 1" Mitch agreeded.

"Right stop now, I think Maddy gets the gist" Harry said embarrassed but trying to hide it.

"Don't be embarrassed, I don't mind" I said, looking towards Harry with a small smirk, not minding that i'm on his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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