Jun 22 2023

4 0 0

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Was a bit too late to notice the time

Played minecraft

Got into an argument with sqa and zero

Sqa bc he transphobic af and talks some bullshit about the lgbtq+ grooming children

Like wtf

And zero bc she thinks its ok to hit a child for a mistake

'because i was a stubborn child and didnt listen so force was the only way'


Listen to yourself

Thats like abuse

Hitting a child for any reason is abuse

They have literally so many ways to make children listen to them and learn their mistakes

And yet they chose violence

Thats not ok

Even if you stubborn af, there is still many ways your parents could make you listen that didnt include slapping or hitting.

Literally grounding you, take your stuff away, or just explain to you why you can't do something

And if that doesn't work just let you learn from your mistakes

The maximum they should do is literally pull you away.

And thats only in dangerous situations.

Like walking near a road or standing too close on a cliff or sum

Or like if ur kid trying to get pregnant or get someone pregnant

With this one^^^ you should just teach your child what could happen and how to do it safely instead of keeping em away from it.

Bc lets be honest they will find a way to fuck and then it will be more dangerous uneducated than if they were allowed to and educated

Unless your kid is like under 15 then deffo dont allow but still teach em. Atleast the Basics of what STDs are and what protections exist against gettin pregnant

Obv if they hit around 11 not when they 6

Same with sexualities tbh. Just teach em which ones exist. Kids knowing their sexuality doesnt mean they will start fucking everyone.

They will know who they are attracted to more and find more suitable partners for themselves instead.

And same with gender, teach em around 11 which ones exist and boom, you got over one problem in their teenage life.

But with genders you should make them aware and just respectable at a young age.

You dont need to explain which ones exist. Just that not everyone goes by what they look like. Keep it plain and simple.

They can find all of that stuff out later closer to their teenage years. But just teach em to be respectful of everyone

Not that difficult

They really pissed me off man

And zero started saying they smarter than me


Ur like what


Your ass barely knows what algebra is

Wtf this was supposed to get posted right after why it didnt save and post??

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