Oct 17 2023

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19 57

Went to school

Watched tinkerbell and the secret treasure

Or sumthn like that

Vombix bought halloween member night tickets for us

Where we gonna watch fnaf the movie

Im so happy

But mother wasnt happy with it

Since its not in the usual cinema we go to

Its somewhere else

And it starts at 21 and ends at 23

So shes not happy about it

Which makes me stressed bc i dont like doing things my mom doesnt like

It makes me scared

And then my biological dad send me a picture of himself

He looks like a sausage

So ugly

And then i started bawling my eyes out

I never cried over him like this. It was always bc mom and him were fighting or something along those lines.

But when i saw him, it made me feel like i was missing him

I hate it

I dont wanna miss him

He was a terrible father

I hate him

But i miss him so much

I hate that

Why do i feel like this

I shouldnt feel like this over him

I cant hold back my tears

I hate this so much

I thought about blocking him

But i just cant do it

I'm so fucking weak

I dont even wanna think of him and yet here i am worrying that if i block him, that I'll hurt his feelings

I should hurt his feelings

I shouldn't even care about this

But i do

I hate it

So much

My head hurts now

Im a bit calmer

I hope i never feel like that ever again

I also hope my mom stops being angry about the fnaf thing

I really wanna go

But if she keeps being angry about it

Its gonna ruin the entire thing no matter how cool it is

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