Jul 23 2023

0 0 0

12 05

Omg i keep forgetting

I packed my stuff

Played with 5x, nyx, normal, kate and more

Went on mic up

Met some dude

Literally his name was thedude i think

He accused me of killin children and animals + being delusional

Ofc as a joke

Then we went into one of those private rooms and talked for hours

Then yukiro called and started tellin me a story

Dude got annoyed so i ended the call quickly

Then we talked more

And then he LEFTTT

He said wait here and see

And just disappeared

Didnt even friend me lol

Whatever ig it was fun

Then i made some polish friends

And at last azure got banned for one day so i left and he showed me a bunch of stuff

It was fun

But lets just say i went to sleep at 3


And i had to wake up before 6 lol

Hopefully i wont forget to update for this day today

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