Nov 7 2023

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22 24

Streamed roblox

Was fun

I fuckin hate vombix sometimes


Fanfics and books are not the same

Sure, they're both stories

But you wont find fuckin the entire erdagon book on ao3

Or any other book

Because books are actually written by professionals and are sold.

It is also original content and its illegal to steal the entire book and post it somewhere on a platform

Fanfics are mostly written by fans, their not canon nor do you see people sell literal books of fanfics.

They also arent original stories.

Its not that difficult to understand

Now she probably knows this, THEN SAY SO INSTEAD OF MOCKING ME

If you have a brain then fuckin use it

Also how is continuing to act clueless about something mocking me???

That literally just sounds as an excuse.

And then she gets pissed when i call her an idiot and even more angry that i dont catch on that shes 'mocking' me/being sarcastic


If you dont use any emojis, stickers, make ur words funky or anything like that

Its gonna sound like ur serious

So dont get fuckin pissed at me that i didnt catch ur sarcasm OVER TEXT

Its not like i can see her or hear her tone

"Cuz books are stories, just like fanfics"

That does NOT look sarcastic

While obviously those arent the exact same words

Its practically the same shi she said


I dont even wanna be so pissed about this but common

I was just explaining something and she suddenly starts 'mocking' me

Like what tf did i do to you

All i did was explain a different between 2 things

And suddenly IM the bad guy for gettin annoyed and not catching on that she isnt being serious when its literally not my fuckin fault that she cant write sarcastic over text

The fact that she tried to mock me over something so simple, pisses me off

Shes just like her mother i swear

She always complains about her ignoring her texts and mocking her about the stuff she likes and then she does the exact same fucking things to me

Im really starting to get fed up with this

I lasted years which im honestly shocked about

Pulling up with her moody disrespectful ass

Fuckin no one thought her any manners

Sitting with her filthy shoes on top of chairs

Burping all the time

Leaving crumbles everywhere

Taking all the space

Glaring at every single person that says anything to her

Yeah sure she does have a resting bitch face but side eying every person near you doesnt have anything to do with that

Most of the time she left without saying goodbye

Never looks at you or even shows that shes listening when your talking

I can go on and on about the rude shit she does

Idc if she realizes this or not but shes always rude and weird

Literally so many people dislike her

Its to the point im considering getting rid of her mod role too

She literally makes more trouble for me

Shes a damn mod yet half of the ppl are uncomfortable because of her or when theres fights she makes it worse by not taking it seriously and making em fight more

Like only reason I dont take it away because i do care about her

Shes been one of my greatest friends, yet she always acted like ive been the cause of her live being shitty

Now all she does is send me stuff she likes and shits over anything i do

She doesnt care one shit about me most of the time

Atleast thats how it feels

Worst of all, i cant even speak to her about it because i know for a fact she would reply with something like 'i aint readin alla that'

Or she would just try to make a joke out of this

Im just so fuckin upset

Is it that hard to just not make fun of me for one conversation?? Or atleast be interested in something i like instead of immediately making fun of my likings??

Even when im tired and dont have energy to talk to her, i still do when she reaches out and im not annoyed to the point of telling her to fuck off the entire time

And i do agree, i shouldn't have called her an idiot. But she was literally acting like one and then she gets pissed at me for not understanding her


I just blocked her

If she says anything about it then ill talk to her but rn id rather stay away from her

I got hurt so many times by her and it literally never stops

I should be used to being belittled, ignored or made fun off by her at this point

Oh well

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