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i woke up around 12 pm, since i woke up so late i decided to actually get something done. i got up, got a shower, did skincare, did some makeup, got clean clothes on, and cleaned up my hotel room a bit. after i was done cleaning it was around 3 pm.  i flopped onto the bed, what do i do now ? i decided to check my phone. i had a messages from willow, gus, and amity ?
who is amity ? the only amity i know of is amity blight, but there is no absolute way i have her number. willow had texted me complaining about an interview she had later, and work. i always found willows texts funny. she is always complaining about something. gus was sent me a photo of his breakfast and lunch. he always did that, i found it pleasing because it did give me ideas for food later. i responded to both of them then i decided to try and figure out who this amity was. i texted the so called amity, "Helloo who is this ??" i put my phone in my pocket. i decided to go for a walk to just get some fresh air. i put on my shoes, and stepped out the door. as soon as i closed the door i felt my phone buzz. i took it out of my pocket, it was amity. i looked at what she had responded with. "oh, hello! you might not remember, but you let me have your number last night"
i thought back to last night. OHHHH THAT'S RIGHT ! i slapped myself in the face and responded. "Im sorry ! i completely forgot ;(! If you dont mind me asking whats ur full name ?" i pressed send and put my phone back in my pocket. i walked downstairs still dying of embarrassment. i can't believe i completely forgot about last night. i walked out the door of the hotel that i am staying at and put in my headphones. i turned on my playlist for when i'm on a walk.
about 10 minutes into my walk i felt my phone buzz again. i took my phone out and looked at what the notification was. it was amity again. i read the message. " sorry i took so long to respond i was doing something ! many people know me as amity blight ! i hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable. " after i read the last sentence i immediately froze on the sidewalk. i was talking to AMITY BLIGHT ?!
hi guys ! sorry for such a late post, i'm trying to actually update this book. if ya'll could give me requests for my other book (lumity family one) that would really help ! i've been struggling the write something. every time i start to write i always draw a blank. any who, i hope you enjoyed the part ! have an amazing night/day/ or afternoon ! i love you guys !

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