talking/hanging out

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i honestly wasn't sure how to respond to amity. i freaked out, there is no way i had been talking to the amity blight. i put my phone in my pocket and continued on with my walk.
about 15 minutes later i made it back to the hotel. i checked back into my room and decided to get a shower since i was all sweaty. before i got in the shower i checked my phone. i had two new messages from amity. i checked them.
"hey, sorry if i made you uncomfortable ! it's okay if you don't wanna be friends anymore" my heart shattered. i absolutely wanted to be friends. i checked the other message.
"if you want to, would u wanna hang out with me later today ? it's okay if you don't want to! i was just wondering" i decided to respond before heading in the shower so i didn't leave her on read.
"Hey sorry i left you on read ! I freaked out ;( i absolutely want to be friends with u !! i was shocked someone as famous as you would wanna be friends with me ! and sure i wanna hangout !! i'm about to head in the shower so i won't answer for a while, but just text me a time and place and i'll be there !:)))"
i put my phone on the bathroom counter and headed into the shower. as i was in the shower i heard my phone go off. i tried to finish as quickly as possible.
about 30-40 minutes i got out of the shower. i threw on some comfy but casual clothes, dried my hair, did skincare, and laid on my bed. i remembered amity had texted me, so i checked my phone and yes she did ! i also had messages from willow ! willow had sent me some pictures of her cats, goats, cows, chickens, dogs, and other animals. she went and visited her dads today and they live on a farm so they have so many cute animals !!! i sent back some emojis and checked what amity had sent
"it's okay ! i was thinking 4:30 pm and downtown ?"
i checked the time "3:56" it takes about 30 minutes to get there, so i had to hurry. i grabbed my keys, quickly put my shoes on, and ran down to my car. before i started it i texted amity back, "That sounds good ! I'm on my way since downtown is like 30 minutes away from me lol" i turned on the radio and started my way downtown
i made it downtown and called amity not actually expecting her to pick up. i was zoned out when i heard a voice on the other line "hello ?" i heard her say, " hii, so i'm here, are u here ?" i answered back trying to not sound all flustered. "yes ! i am near the ice cream station" i looked around and saw an ice cream station "oh yes i see the ice cream station, i'm walking towards it now" "okay, i'll be waiting " i heard her say as she hung up the call.
i walked to the ice cream station and saw amity taking pictures and getting a few questions, i walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder, she turned around and hugged me. i was shocked, but i hugged back. i heard a few gasps after she hugged me bur i tried to ignore it. "i'm sorry guys, ima hang out with luz, i hope u guys don't mind!" she said as she walked away pulling me with her, i waved goodbye to the group of people as she was pulling me away.
-time skip-
it was around 11pm when i got back to the hotel. i got changed in my pjs, did skincare, brushed my teeth, and got in bed. i decided to check my phone. amity had posted on instagram, tiktok, and messaged me. i checked the message first.
"hii, i hope you had fun today, i would love to hang out again soon if you would like ?" i blushed at the message she had sent, she enjoyed spending time with me ? i quickly responded. "Ofc i had fun today !! and i would enjoy if we hung out again soon !" i replied to her. i decided to check what amity had posted on instagram. it was a picture of me and her, the caption was "i had fun today, hope we can see each other again @/luznoceda_"
i liked the post, reposted it, and then commented, "hope to see u soon"
i had looked at my notifications and there was a bunch , i had gained a bunch of followers, a lot of likes on my posts, and comments talking about god knows what. i swiped out of instagram and went to tiktok. i got on and saw that my notification box had 99+ notifications. i had to hold my temptations to click it and go to amity's page. she had followed me back ?! i only have like 3 people who follow me back who have a blue check mark, well now i guess 4 people. i checked the post. it was a video of videos and photos of us, her siblings, the bar, cakes, presents, her at the beach, and more. it had the sound "moonlight" by Kali Uchis over it. the caption said, "thank u for the birthday wishes ! i had such a good week. thank u for everyone who made this week amazing." she had tagged me, her siblings, and some more of her friends i didn't know about. i checked the comments, some examples of the comments are -
"who's luz ?"
"i know luz ! shes so funny, i've been to her shows"
"how do ya'll not know who luz is?"
"you and luz are friends ? you are so lucky !"
"why is all the comments about this luz chick ?"
i laughed and placed my phone on the table. i turned off the tv, got under my covers, and slowly felt myself drift off into sleep.
hi guys ! i know this is a long chapter ! i didn't mean to make it so long, i just get carried away ! sorry for not posting yesterday, i was busy with family issues! i hope u guys understand. i love u guys have a good day/night/or afternoon !

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