maintain space

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When it comes to relationships, it is important to give space to your partner.

What this means can vary from couple to couple but it generally means giving the other person their own freedom and time while still staying connected and committed.

This idea of giving space is important and is something that can have a great benefit to any relationship.

When couples give space to each other it allows for each person to be an individual while still being in a relationship with the other person.

This is important because it allows each person to grow as an individual, while also providing mutual growth and intimacy in the relationship as a whole.

It is a way of balancing independence and interdependence, allowing the couple to have their own definitions of self and identity within the relationship.

Giving space also allows for different interests and activities to be explored while still maintaining the relationship.

This could mean allowing each other to socialize more frequently with different groups of people, take classes, pursue hobbies, and explore other interests that may bring happiness to each person individually.

This can result in two individuals who feel re-energized and connected after time spent apart which is very healthy for the relationship.

On the other hand it is also important to maintain a certain level of closeness in the relationship.

This can be done in various ways such as being honest and open with each other, and carving out time to spend together on a regular basis.

This is important because it can provide a way to make sure that each person knows they are still found to be special to each other.

It is also important to ensure that boundaries and expectations are established - this can help to keep the expectations of the relationship balanced and help each partner to have clarity and understanding.

In sum, it is important to give space to your partner.

This can help to foster individual growth while also allowing the couple to stay connected, building the elements of trust, respect, and communication between them.

Ultimately, when give space is given it can create a healthy and vibrant relationship for both partners.

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