Chapter 4: Tragic Moon

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Chapter 4: Day 2.1
It's already been nighttime, I woke up feeling uneasy, I can't find this base 'comfortable', but what I've felt yesterday was even worse than this, so I couldn't do anything but to adjust into it.

I walk outside the quarter to get some fresh air just to find out Amy was already there, "Oh? can't sleep?" She asked, I smiled. "You also asked me that same question yesterday, remember?" I said

She giggled, "Well, you don't want it?" She asked, I sat on the ground with her, "No, of course not,"

Underneath the moon's gentle glow, Amy and I sat together, sharing our thoughts and reflecting on the world that had been irreversibly altered. The night sky, once a source of wonder and tranquility, now carried a weight of uncertainty and fear.

"You see, I used to love the moon so much that I took a picture of it every night," Amy shared, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia.

Curiosity piqued, I turned to her, eager to delve deeper into her past. "Oh? That's something. What made you so captivated by the moon?"

A wistful smile played on Amy's lips as she reminisced. "There was a time when the world felt different, less chaotic. I found solace in the moon's presence as if it held the answers to all my questions. It was a comforting reminder that there was beauty even in the darkest of times."

I nodded, understanding the sentiment behind her words. "I can relate to that. It's strange how something as simple as the moon can evoke such profound emotions. But now, it feels different, doesn't it?"

Amy's gaze met mine, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and longing. "Indeed, the world we once knew has been shattered. Our perception of normalcy has been altered beyond recognition. The moon, once a symbol of peace, now reminds us of the battles we've fought and the losses we've endured."

A heavy silence settled between us, the weight of our collective experiences filling the air. In that moment, we found solace in each other's presence, knowing that we shared the burden of navigating this new reality.

"Despite the hardships and uncertainties, we're still here," I said, breaking the silence. "And as long as we're alive, we have the opportunity to rebuild and find hope amidst the chaos."

Amy's eyes sparkled with a renewed determination. "You're right, Mico. We can't let despair consume us. We must hold onto the memories of what once was and strive to create a better future, even if it means starting from scratch."

As the moon continued its ascent in the night sky, we sat in quiet contemplation, drawing strength from the shared understanding that together, we would face whatever challenges lay ahead. In this shattered world, we found a glimmer of hope in each other, a reminder that amidst the darkness, there still existed the capacity for resilience and the possibility of rebuilding...

But again, nothing is constant nor forever. There are always the 'bad days' to us humans. The term 'bad luck' is always on our side and won't never leave us, I know that. Because just a moment, as we are looking at the beautiful moon we once love, we already have a sense of relief to us two just then the 'bad luck' came.

A scream from the distance was heard, and we both quickly stood up. "What's that?"  I asked, "I don't know... is someone in trouble?" She replied

"Let's check it out," She said, and we both ran for where the sound is, many woke up from the scream, turning on their lights as we got closer. we could see a crowd into it.

Just before we could mix in, all of them began screaming and ran towards us, "AAAAAHHHH RUN! RUN!!!" they all said the two of us look at each other and just run for it.

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