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Hammy POV

I know how much the sub trip to the titanic means to Senpai Stockton, and I know that Senpai would prefer that I went with him alone, but I've been keeping a big secret.

Senpai has been making subtle moves, and I think hes planning on asking me out soon, so I need to break the news to him gently.

I'm in a poly relationship with 4 people, Senpai knows a couple, but the other two he'll be meeting for the first time today.

Senpai deserves to know, but Im so scared he's going to reject me. He means so much to me, and I can't lose him.

Afterall, we grew so close after I murdered his wife. He thinks she died from a random burglar, but I know the truth. She was going to try to kill him, and I had to save Senpai.

Since then, we watched the Titanic together on a loop, he would pop the popcorn and I would draw the bubble baths we took together afterward (no homo) (there was multiple kisses shared each bath, but it was completely platonic).

We've shared laughs and we've cried. I helped plan his evil wife's funeral.

I'll always be there for senpai, but if he cant except that the love in my heart is shared between others, I need him in a space he can't escape so that I can convince him.

I. Will. Convince. Him.

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