Sound the Alarm (cue Nikki Minaj)

569 4 22

3rd person POV

"OH GOD DADDY WHAT IS THAT???" Pookie said, he'd never had to deal with stressful situations before because hes a billionaire, so he's really panicking.

"Dont worry, your Alpha will protect you!" Senpai said bravely. He proceeds to pull out his wallet.

He pulls out 500 usd cash and gently sets it on the dash of the sub.

"Now, now," he coos gently to the sub that he so delicately built. "Hush that alarm and be 500 dollars richer." He whispered deli

He turns back to his omegas. They look at him lovingly and with appreciation. Snookums gives him two thumbs up.

"Master-Aplha-Senpai, youre the best!" Pookie exclaims.

And suddenly the alarm continued sounding.

Senpai turned back to the dash.

"I PUT YOU INTO THIS WORLD AND NOW IM GONNA TAKE YOU OUT!" Senpai starts bashing in the dash.

"THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR SCARING MY OMEGAS!" He said, picking up a lead pipe that fell loose and started beating the sub more severely.

There was now a gaping hole in the sub, fortunately they were all rich and could therefore survive any situation.

The submarine started quickly floating to the top of the ocean, the controller was also damaged in the fight, so Snookums and Hammy looked at each other in confusion as to who was controlling the sub. Senpai was too invested in standing dominantly over the broken pile of scraps to notice anything was happening. Meanwhile Pookie was so scared shitless that he was curled into a ball and began rocking back and forth.

Who was controlling the sub now?

OceanGate, the story of 4 loversDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora