I sat down in the room again.
It's Thursday.
If I was still in my dimension, Max would be at sports camp.
"Aria, how do you feel?" Daz asked.
"Better. They said I have a shit ton of things wrong with me"
"Aria, language" Aizawa redirected me.
"It is true"
"Too many to remember, I had to write it down. Just kidding. It's only five more things"
I have many more disorders and stuff.
Pulsatile Tinnitus, I can hear my heartbeat.
neurocardiogenic syncope, that's why I faint.
I don't have hemophilia or asthma anymore. It's really weird.
I have a weird thing where my scars open up. I don't remember what it's called.
I also have obsessive compulsive disorder. I didn't even know I had it.
And my PTSD is worse from everything else.
There was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Daz said.
An older looking couple walked in.
"Mr and Mrs Raleigh, nice to see you!"
I turned around and looked at Aizawa.
"You must be Aria," The older woman said. " You can call me Carol. This is my husband, Bill"
"Aria, Mr and Mrs Raleigh are from the US, like you. They've fostered many kids before. You'll be in great hands with them"
They smiled.
"Introduce yourself, Aria"
"I'm Aria, I'm eleven years old, and I'll be twelve soon. I played clarinet, and was in my state's college band"
"That's impressive! What do you want to be when you grow up?" Carol asked.
"I want to be a diagnostician"
"What's your quirk?" Bill asked.
My smile faded.
"Aria's quirk is almost non-existent due to the amount of trauma and injuries she's experienced and had. It's still there, she just can't use it as much as she used to" Aizawa answered for me.
"That's alright, dear," Carol said.
"Who are you?" Bill asked Aizawa.
"I'm Shotā Aizawa, I've been taking care of Aria for a while now. I'm not her actual guardian though"
"Does Aria have any conditions we should be aware of?"
"Aria has quite a few. Some of them may be hard to deal with. She has PTSD, pulsatile Tinnitus, neurocardiogenic syncope, Anxiety disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Many of these have been caused by previous incidents"
"I don't know if we can do it. We've never dealt with any of those things"
"I completely understand"
"We're sorry, but we can't take her in"
They apologized and left.
"Aria, I'm sorry"
"It's okay. You didn't do anything to help with everything that happened"
"There's another family. They can come now if you'd like to see them"
"They are first timers, they don't have much experience with children, but I'm sure they'll take great care of you. It is fostering though"
Another knock on the door. They walked in without Daz even saying anything.
The mom was obviously American, and the dad was Asian.
"Hello, this is Aria. She's eleven, and she is very smart and kind" Daz introduced me.
"Hi Aria. I'm Margret. This is my husband, Kai" Margret said.
"Hi," I said.
"Aria is-"
"We'll take her in as soon as possible. We read all about her on the adoption and fostering website and thought she was perfect"
"She does have-"
"We'll take her, sir"
"What's her quirk? It didn't say on the website?"
"Sir, we would much rather have Aria herself answer the question"
"I don't really have one"
They both smiled.
"That's alright, we don't care about quirks"
"When can we take her home?"
"I would say next Monday at the latest"
Aizawa didn't look very intrigued as Daz did.
I think they're bluffing.
Bluffing to make me their daughter.
So they can use me.
Hurt me.
Kill me.
But I can't die.
Or can I?
"We'll see you on Monday, have a great weekend"
They waved and walked quickly out the door, shutting it behind them quietly.
It's Thursday.
I guess everyone's a bit confused about the days of the week.
Especially me.
I still have to go to UA tomorrow.
My last day.
"Aria, do you think you'll be safe with them?" Daz asked.
I don't want to sound rude.
I can't say no.
If I say no, I'll be parentless forever.
"Yes" I lied.
"Great. You'll do amazing with them"
I could tell that Aizawa had his doubts.
I do too.
But he doesn't get a say in who adopts me and who doesn't.
"I'm taking you in if something happens. You're smart, but you can't defend yourself. Even if you're immortal, you can still get seriously injured. You tend to do it without trying" Aizawa said.
I took a deep breath in.
"I figured. Are you with Mic yet?" I asked.
He stared at me blankly and blinked repeatedly, making a look that screamed 'what the fuck do you think?'
"I'll take that as a yes," I said.

If I were in My Hero Academia- RedoWhere stories live. Discover now