|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||

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pairing: charles leclerc x female!reader
warnings: none
part 2

The rain poured down onto my car like a ton of bricks, my throat beginning to close in as the urge to scream climbed violently up it.

The plead from my brain to pick up my phone spiralled around my body. Text after text came through on my phone.

Each one from him.

I shook my head with a roll of my eyes. He really thought apologising to me over text would work? Sure, it had in the past but in the past I wasn't the one who left.

Pettiness overwhelmed me, the multiple ideas on how to get him back flooding me became too much as they began to push me back to shore.

Back to him.



I'm so sorry.

Please come home

I'm begging you

I didn't mean it I swear

I need you

Please answer

You are worrying me

I was wrong


damn right you were


where are you????

I'm worried

Please just tell me

Y/N please                                                                                                                                                                                 read 11:07pm


I threw my head back, the scream finally crawling out, leaving scars and shooting pain.
My first clenched as they hit the steering wheel multiple times as tears followed. All the tension leaving my body in multiple ways just to return seconds later.

Thee questions than stepped in.

Why me?

Does he really love me or is he only doing this to not hurt me?

Does he really care about me?

They never make sense, they just appear and then disappear and then come back with friends.

It's the way it's always been for me, you learn the routine and you figure out ways to argue with it however in certain cases, like today, nothing worked.

At this point, my anxiety was throwing every tactic at me, each time they hit me directly in the face and made me rethink everything.

Normally, this is when Charles helps.
This isn't exactly a normal situation for me to be in.



Y/N it's pouring if you are walking around just let me pick you up.

We don't have to talk.



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