Pt. 1

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6am was too early.
Alessia pulled herself out of bed, the hotel bed's white comforter dragging behind her.
She glanced at the pile of full suitcases in the corner. This is ridiculous.

Her PR firm assigning her to the F1 PR team for the season meant she would rarely see her own bed for the next 8 months so she was gonna have to get used to hotel hopping.

Ah shit I have to be at the track in 30 minutes.

Throwing on a black tanktop and white trousers, that she had thankfully picked out the night nefore, she headed for the door, her kitten heels already starting to pinch her toes.

The agenda today included one-on-one interviews with Alessia on camera, that meant no queue cards, her least favorite. So as she rode in the back of her silent uber to the track Alessia repeated her interview questions over and over in her head.

Her previous work with the firm was mostly script writing and content filming. She wasn't used to being in front of the camera and just prayed not to fumble her words too badly.

The uber pulled up the back entrance of the track, the sidewalk already crawling with paparazzi and fans, hoping for a glimpse of their favorite drivers.

Truthfully Alessia knew almost nothing about F1 before being assigned here so she had spent many sleepless nights up studying everything she could, though the drivers names barley even stuck so it wasn't looking good.

She ducked inside, the crowd thankfully taking no interest in her. Scanning inside the gateway, she checked which team she would be with today:


Oh perfect, one of the few teams she knew both the drivers names atleast.

Her first interview was with Carlos and wasn't until 1 so she wandered to the ferrari trailer hoping for some breakfast or atleast a snack to calm the coffee jitters that were making her hands shake.

Stepping through the automatic doors she felt a blast of air conditioning wash over her, a welcome break from the beating of the Barcelona sun, before immediately spotting a table piled high with pastries, fruit and even a couple sausages.

She quickly filled a plate and looked around for a place to sit, the few tables were full of mechanics and engineers, enjoying their short breaks. She felt a couple glances her way as they wondered who she is and probably why she was eating their food.

Alessia's face grew hot and she knew it would be turning red soon.

"You alright, mate?" A confused but kind voice questioned behind her, the large hand on her shoulder almost making her jump out of her skin. Her plate clattering to the floor, grapes and sausage rolling all over the floor.

She turned to apaologize, but the brown haired man was already kneeling down trying to catch the grapes that seemed to be actively running from him.

She caught a glimpse of his seaglass green eyes when he glanced up and began speaking again.

"You're the pr girl with us today right?" He questioned, his words coated in a thick French accent.

Alessia's words got caught in her throat. There was somthing mesmerizing about the way he looked at her and the way he spoke, full of genuine kindness, immediately put her at ease.

"Yes...yeah I am, I'm actually supp-"

"Alessia Ricci? They are ready for you"  a man who had come down the stairs interrupted .

"Oh yes...c-coming" Alessia stammered out, while trying to silently apologize to the green eyed man for leaving him with her mess.

"Go" He smiled

She thanked him before running after the man in the bright red staff t-shirt.

"Carlos is waiting just through these doors, I see you've already become acquainted with Mr. Leclerc?"

Oh. That definitely a name that Alessia recognized.

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