Pt. 3

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Julie must have told Lando that Alessia had asked about the party, because now it was the morning of the race and he wouldn't get off her back about it.

Alessia heard her phone buzz on the desk next to her but ignored it and continued typing on her laptop trying to get the last bits of this instgram real edited.

*bzzzzt* *bzzzt*

The phone concitnuted to call for her attention until she got fed up enough and picked it up with a huff.

Flipping it over she saw exactly what she expected to see.

"Lando Norris is calling....."

"God he really won't let this go"

She hit answer, knowing she'd probably regret it.

"Alesssiiiaaa, come on it'll be fun"

" I already told you, it just feels unprofessional, I don't know how my marketing firm will feel about it"

"They don't have to knowww, look...if you come ill buy all your drinks"

Alessia chuckled at his conniving smile.

"How generous of you Mr. Millionaire"

His smile widened.

"Okay FINE..fine. but if you leave my side tonight I'll kill you"

They finished up their conversation before hanging up. The imminent silence immediately making her regret her decision to go. What would she even wear? She wouldn't know anybody let alone be comfortable enough to drink or dance with anybody but Lando and maybe carlos.

She lowered her head into her hands, her elbows resting on the sleek black desk.

"Why did I agree to this"


Alessia looked herself in the hotel mirror. She had 20 minutes until Julie and Lando would be pulling up outside and she was seriously considering sending a quick "nevermind" text.

She tugged at the hem of her skirt. A short black skirt and an open back dark red tank top hugged her body closely, but it felt safe enough for what was technically a work event.

She slipped on her black knee high boots and clipped in some gold earrings before grabbing her purse and heading toward the door. A couple spritz of bergamot vanilla perfume gave her the confidence she needed to pull the hotel door open and head toward the elevator.

She didn't have a chance to catch her breath or turn tail and run in the lobby before she saw Lando's McLaren pull into the pick up area. She lightly jogged out the door and jumped into the backseat before either of them could comment on her outfit.

Julie turned around in the passenger seat to look her up and down.

"Looking good Ms. Professional"

Alessia lightly smacked her arm and told her to hush as Lando pulled off onto the road.

She watched as the city flew by outside the window. The anonymity of the darkness gave her a slight comfort. Maybe in the darkness of the club she could pretend these were all strangers and friends, not coworkers and clients. 

She tuned out Julie and Lando scream-singing along to who knows what song and took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

A couple drinks and I'm done.
Nothing crazy tonight.

Just a couple drinks.

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