pt. 5

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Alessia gripped the metal railing.

She made eye contact with the mongasque across from her in the elevator and let out another giggle.

She didn't fully remember getting into the elevator and just hoped it was the elevator to her hotel.

Suddenly she furrowed her brow in thought.

"What you worrying about princesse?" Charles asked, his stance unstable but his gaze focused on her.

"I just realized Lando said he wouldn't leave my side if I came and look" She gestured to the empty elevator save for them two, " no where to be seen. That dick !"

Charles laughed. "Don't be too hard on him, he probably can't remember his own name right now"

The elevator dinged on the 12th floor.

They stood outside the door as Charles fumbled with the key card, finally getting it open on his 3rd or 4th try.

CW: slight spice🌶

Alessia stepped through the door, and without thinking grabbef Charles by the collar of his black t-shirt and pullef him into the room. The warmth in his green eyes urging her to take a risk she normally considered herself much too cautious to take.

He was standing so close she could smell the mix of his cologne and slight sweat. It was almost as intoxicating as the alcohol flowing through her blood and making her so brave.

All Charles could get out was a quiet "woah", before her lips where on his. The intentional but hesitant kiss caught him by suprise and he stood still for a moment in shock.

Once he had found his wits, he grinned into the kiss and quickly grabbed her face, pushing her back into the wall and deepening the connection between the two of them.

She could taste the warm citrus of gin on his breath as her back hit the cool wall behind her.

Greatful to no longer need to balance on her own to feet, she put her arms around his neck and pulled Charles closer into her. She could feel his body warmth heating her skin. The goosebumps she had acquired by wearing a more revealing outfit slowly disappearing the longer their bodies stayed connected.

His hands moved from her cheeks down to her hips. He slipped them underneath the satin-y red fabric of her top and settled in the divet of her waist.

Alessia ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his head. Grown out just enough to lightly grab, from weeks away from Monaco and a haircut. His hair was thick but soft and she could smell his shampoo when she pulled away from his lips slightly to catch her breath.

He stared into her dark eyes as they both breathed heavily, chests rising and falling in sync. Her eyes were so dark he struggled to tell what she was thinking. Clouded by the dark color, or perhaps the alcohol in her system, her thoughts were securely protected.

He thought about his own light eyes, clear enough to see right through, and wondered if she was reading him like a book as she lowered her gaze from his eyes down to his hands resting on her waist. The fabric of her shirt bunched up around his wrists.

He watched her face as he lowered one hand back to her hips, looking for any hint of discomfort but she simply stared.

"May I?"

"A man of few words, hm"

He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Of course."

He slowly lowered his arm and slipped his hand underneath the black skirt. Feeling the warm flesh of her outer thigh, he ran his fingers over her skin.

"Ay Dios mio, you are almost too much of a gentleman"

She grabbed his hand and planted it firmly on her hips.

"We can't both be so cautious, please Charles"

He looked back and forth between her eyes, looking for any hint that she's bluffing. She simply held his gaze and cocked an eyebrow at him, almost in challenge.

He grinned.

Using both hands he hoisted her up by the hips, her legs clasping at the ankles around him to hold herself to him. He carried her to the hotel bed and lowered her onto her back before leaning down over her, using a single knee and hand to support himself on the plush comforter.

"si vous insistez, princesse"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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