Pt. 2

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The past couple of weeks had gone relatively smoothly. The early morning flights were definitely taking a toll on Alessia's sleep schedule but overall she was greatful for the excitement and opportunity to travel.

She scanned her pass, walking past the guards with much more confidence than before. She is supposed to be there, and now everybody knew it too.

She had a slow day today. Just a couple fun challenges for YouTube in the afternoon.
She walked with a pep in her step toward the McLaren paddock, it was at the far end of the track and the wind was already messing up her blowout.

One of the McLaren girls still had her jacket that she had left behind in Baku 2 weeks ago and she desperately needed the protection from the rain before Silverstone.

While passing each teams paddock spotted a tousled head of thick dark hair on a man wearing a bright red 55.

She broke into a jog and tapped lightly on his shoulder as he paused to greet some ferrari staff passing by.

"Carlos?" She asked brightly.

"Hola monita"

"¡ey! Te dije que no me llamaras así" [Hey i told you not to call me that!]

The Spanish man threw her a lopsided smile but didn't protest.

"Have you seen Lando anywhere? One of the McLaren girls has my jacket"

He simply shook his head.

"I'm sure he's-"

"Hey Carlos!!"  Someone with a paddock lanyard on yelled for his attention.
He turned and his face grew into a bright smile as he jogged toward them.

Alessia rolled her eyes and laughed"  "Some help he is"

He's never any help but they had grown the closest out of any of the drivers so far, dare Alessia say friends? She wasn't sure but his presence was calming so she liked having him around.

Her experience In formula 1 had flown by so fast and she had quickly began to become more and more comfortable in her position.

She was closest with Carlos and lando but could always strike up a casual conversation with the other drivers.

She finally approached the McLaren paddock. The sleek black building was decorated with bright orange accents and tinted glass that reflected the sun into her eyes as she walked up.
She found Lando enjoying the sunshine at one of their outdoor tables while chatting with Charles and one of the McLaren media girls.

She walked up, her light silk blouse blowing in the warm breeze.
Italy had been by far her favorite stop so far. The area was stunning, with sparkling blue waters, and the sun was hot on her skin every day without fail.

"Did you need something?" Lando teased.

Alessia pretended to roll her eyes at him.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for her" Alessia pointed at the media girl who's blonde hair tousled in the wind, her orange shirt unbuttoned due to the heat.

Lando made a teasing face at her before returning to his conversation with the monegasque across from him. Somthing about going out after the race, who knows.

The blonde stood and smiled at her, "it's in my office inside, lemme run and grab it, i'm julie by the way!"


Alessia tagged along with her, an excuse to get out of the heat and see the inside of the McLaren paddock, which she hadn't been able to sneak a peak at yet.

As the 2 walked away she heard charles exclaim how excited he was about the weekend.

His French accent punctured through every word, and it brought her back to the first day she had ran into him. They had spoken very briefly since then, not like she and carlos had though. Nothing beyond what was needed to get work done and common pleasantries, but she often thought about the way he had looked at her. The kind warmth in his eyes and how his accent settled in her ears in a way that made her want to giggle.

She pushed the thought out of her head.
She had dealt with enough of the thirst traps and tweets as part of Ferrari's media team to know Charles had more than enough woman after him. He didn't need another.

"What are they on about?" She asked
"Oh, every year this fancy hotel in Italy throws a big party for all the drivers and staff" Julie explained  "that means us too of course"

"Do we have to go?"

"Well no...but it's really fun, you should come !"

Alessia shot her a glance outta the corner of her eye as she unlocked her office door.

"Uh...I don't know It seems a little...unprofessional"

Julia rolled her eyes at her.
" I know you have only been working here for a couple of months, but I thought by now you'd know that partying is basically apart of the job in F1"

Alessia thought for a moment.

"I suppose yeah"

"So is that a yes?"

"It's an..I'll think about it"

Julie huffed and handed her the black jacket.

"Suit yourself"

Far From Homeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें