02. the end... for now

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Arianna starts slightly panicking. "No. Keep your eyes open, Lana."

Tara slowly walks over to them with tears in her eyes and crouches down next to Arianna while looking at Alana. "S-she's gone, Ari"

Arianna looks at Tara with teary eyes. "No! She's not. Do not say that."

Tara looks at her sister sadly, "Ari.. come one. Yes she is." She stands up and tries her best to get Arianna away from Alana but to no avail.

"No. I'm not leaving her. "

Tara, still trying to pull her away, sighs sadly, "Ari babe. Come on. There's nothing we can do for her."

Arianna looks back at Tara, "Even if she is gone, who's gonna be there to comfort her brother? I'm not leaving.

Tara sighs and lets Arianna go. "You can still be there for him but we have to go. The paramedics are outside. Come on. " She tries to grab Arianna again but stops suddenly seeing Liam walk into room looking around. "Shit." She moves back slightly.

Arianna doesn't seem to notice. She wipes her eyes and looks up at Tara. "If the paramedics are here then go outside and get yourself checked out. I'll be outside once they come in here, alright?"

Tara hesitates but nods. "Yeah." She quickly glances at Liam before walking out.

Liam is looking at his sister, "Ari.. what happened?" He slowly starts making his way over to Arianna while still staring at Alana.

Arianna leans against the wall and places Alana's head into her lap before placing a hand over her own stab wound. "There is a slight possibility that she may or may not be- uh dead. She was stabbed three- no four times. Once in the chest, once in the thigh, and I think her arm. Oh and her hand," She lifts up her hand to show up and he grimaces, "And she was also shot."

Liam shakes his head, trying to think. "Wha- I- she's what? Dead? N-no she's not, you're lying. She's fine."

"I said there's a possibility. I don't believe she is. Just too much blood loss. She'll be okay." She lowers her voice so Liam doesn't hear, "Hopefully."

Liam doesn't seem hear the last part. "Too much blood loss? I-I can't go on without her. I-I have no one other than her." He walks over and sits down next to Alana moving the hair out of her face that stuck to it from sweat and blood. "I'm so sorry." Tears fall down his face but he doesn't care. "Lana I'm so sorry." He kisses her forehead.

Arianna throws her head and groans. "I'm so sorry..."

Liam looks up at Sam with tears in his eyes. "This is your fucking fault." He quickly stands up and makes his way over to her. "You were supposed to protect and look after her. Now she's dead and it's all your fault."

Sam looks at him shocked and feels tears well up in her eyes. "I-I sorry. I thought she could handle herself. I thought she's be o-"

Liam looks back at Alana then back at Sam pointing at Alana's body, immediately cuts her off, "Does she looks o-fucking-kay to you, Sam? Because from the fucking looks of it, she's not. She's dead. Fuc-" His voice breaks but he continues, "Fucking dead after I trusted you to look after her."

Sam's voice breaks, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Arianna slowly stands up and walks over to place herself next to Sam. "This isn't my sister's fault. It's mine. I could've gotten her out of here if I didn't give in to her stubbornness."

Liam looks at her confused, "What're you talking about?

She stayed quiet for a moment then responded, "After she was shot by Amber, I tried really, really hard to get her out of this house, but she refused to move. If I tried to move her myself, it would hurt her. She just laid there and told me I needed to get out of here and just leave her, but I told her I wasn't leaving until she did. I didn't wanna hurt her more than she already was, so I just let her lay there while I sat next to her. It's my fault, not Sam's."

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