010. Ghostface is back?

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Alana walks into Sam, Tara, Arianna, and Quinn's apartment after showering and changing and doesn't see Sam. "Where's Sam." She looks at Tara.

"I don't know."

Alana sighs and sits next to Ethan laying her head on his shoulder. "Why are we watching the news? We aren't old."

Ethan just shrugs making Alana laugh.

"Y'all are wei-" She stops herself seeing the news headline. "Chad, go get Sam." She gets up and runs to Arianna's room rapidly knocking on her door. "Ari, get out here right now."

"Go away."

"Ari there's been a murder so please come out here."

Arianna looks at Liam with a confused look before getting out of bed and opens the door to see Alana. "A murder?"

"Yes. I don't know who but please get out her-" Alana sees her brother in Arianna's room but ignores it. "Please come out here. Both of you."

Arianna bites her lip and grabs Liam's hand then walks out of her room, closing the door.

Alana sighs and walks back into the living room seeing Sam and Danny walking in and smiles. "Hey Danny." She walks over and hugs him.

"Hey Ala." He smiles and hugs her back.

Alana pulls away and walks over to the couch sitting next to Ethan and looking at the TV.

Arianna watches the TV nervously and rests her head on Liam's shoulder.

The TV reporter says, "The police gave the victims names. Jason Carvey and Greg Buck-"

Mindy gasps, "That's that chose from our film studies class. The one obsessed with Argento." She looks at everyone else.

"Found at the scene were multiple Ghostface masks. A character popularized by the Stab movies."

Alana starts panicking. "Oh my god. I can't do this shit again."

Arianna lifts her head from Liam's shoulder. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

Tara looks up at Sam slowly.

Sam looks at Arianna and Tara. "Pack a bag. We leave in ten." She walks into the kitchen.

Arianna lets go of Liam's hand and follows Sam. "Sam, wait!"

"Sam." Tara also gets up and follows Sam. "Sam. Sa-" She sees her looking at the knife block and grab the biggest one. "Sam ho- hol- hold on. Let's talk about this for a second." She follows her back into the living room. "Cause this might not have anything to do with us." She looks at the TV and looks and points at it looking back at Sam. "We don't know-"

Sam cuts her off, "Tara. This isn't a coincidence! You knew him!"

Tara looks at the TV for a second again. "Barely."

Sam looks at the twins. "Chad, Mindy, back me up."

"I mean it is a little bit..."

"...Close to home." Mindy eats a piece of popcorn.

Sam looks back at Tara. "See?"

Tara thinks and turns to Quinn. "Wait Quinn. Your dad's a cop right? Can you call him and find out what's going on?" She turns back to him. "Before you make the unilateral decision to abandon mine and Ari's college educations and flee the fucking state!"

Quinn pulls her phone out and dials Bailey's number "I'm calling him now." She puts her phone up to her ear.

"Thank you."

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