Unveiling the smiles

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Choi Jongho x Kang Yeosang | school AU

⚠️ TW: Depression

In the streets of Seoul, a university student named Jongho navigated through his daily life with a cheerful smile plastered on his face. With his infectious laughter and outgoing personality, he had effortlessly earned popularity among all students at the university. Yet, beneath that facade of happiness, Jongho struggled with depression and anxiety, feeling trapped in a world where no one truly understood his pain an he is closely giving in on his pain.

One day, as Jongho sat alone in the university library, buried under a stack of books, a boy named Yeosang approached him. Yeosang had always been observant and noticed that Jongho seemed different from others, though he couldn't quite pin point what. He was intrigued about Jongho, so he decided to go over to the younger.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" Yeosang asked, pointing to the empty chair next to Jongho.

Jongho looked up, his smile slightly faltering as he gestured for Yeosang to take a seat. "Sure, go ahead." Even tho he just wanted to be alone.

As they began studying together, Yeosang couldn't shake off the feeling that Jongho was hiding something behind his cheerful facade. Intrigued, he struck up a conversation.

"You're always so postive, happy and seem to have it all together, you're also pretty popular" Yeosang remarked, keeping his tone casual. "But there's something about you that feels different. Are you really as happy as you seem?"

Jongho's smile wavered for a moment, and he glanced away, unsure of how to respond. He had become used to wearing a mask, afraid that revealing his struggles would push people away or they would get sick of him and just leave him.

"Well, Im just trying to stay positive," Jongho finally admitted, his voice laced with vulnerability and started slightly shaking. "But sometimes, it's harder than it seems."

Yeosang nodded, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. "You know, I've struggled with my own demons too. It's okay not to be okay sometimes. You don't have to hide it from me, only if you're comfortable enough of course."

Jongho was taken aback by Yeosang's genuine empathy. It was the first time someone had seen through his façade and reached out to him.

"Thank you," Jongho whispered, tears welling up in his eyes. "I've been so afraid of becoming a burden to other people and they end up leaving me."

Yeosang gently placed a hand on Jongho's shoulder, offering reassurance. "You're not a burden, Jongho. We all need someone to lean on sometimes. Let me be that person for you." Jongho let his tears fall, hugged Yeosang and sobbed into his shoulder. He let all his pent up sadness out. Yeosang just held him and stroked his hand through Jonghos hair.

From that day on, Jongho and Yeosang forged a deep bond. They spent countless hours talking, sharing their struggles, and finding solace in each other's company. Yeosang proved to be a steadfast presence in Jongho's life, never shying away from the difficult moments and helping him through him.

One evening, Jongho found himself in the grips of overwhelming sadness. The weight of his depression seemed unbearable, and he contemplated giving in to the darkness. But Yeosang sensed Jongho's despair and immediately tried to find him and looked at every possible place.

He found Jongho sitting alone by a river, tears streaming down his face. Without hesitation, Yeosang sat beside him, offering silent support and padding his back.

"You're not alone, Jongho," Yeosang said softly, his voice filled with compassion. "I'm here for you, no matter what."

Jongho looked into Hyosung's eyes, his heart filled with thankfulness and fear. "But what if you get tired of me? What if my struggles push you away?"

Yeosangs expression softened, and he took Jongho's trembling hands in his own, and looking into jonghos glossy eyes "Jongho, I care about you deeply. Your struggles don't define you. We'll face them together, one step at a time."

Over time, Jongho began to heal slowly. With Yeosang's unwavering support, he found the strength to seek professional help and build healthier coping mechanisms. Yeeosang's love and understanding became the light of light in Jongho's darkest moments.

As their relationship deepened, love blossomed between Jongho and Yeosang. Their journey was not without challenges, but their bond grew stronger with each hurdle they overcame.

In the end, Jongho discovered that true love went beyond surface-level happiness. It includes vulnerability, understanding, and unwavering support. With Yeosang by his side, Jongho learned to embrace his true self and found solace in the knowledge that he was loved, even with all of his scars.

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