Weekly Idol (151028)

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A/N: This chapter is not super long because weekly idol's episodes used to be much shorter, and it's hard to reasonably expect Love to have a lot of air time among thirteen other people. I tried to keep this as realistic as I could, including the fact that DoniConi have been known to be a bit invasive.

"Ah, my hearts pounding," Love whispered to no one in particular. Seungcheol placed a hand on her shoulder, assuring her it would be okay as they were suddenly called to enter.

They went by in their units, bowing to Doni and Coni as they went past. She stood between The8 and Hoshi, waiting to her turn to introduce herself.

"Ah—yes, hello, I'm Seventeen's hidden treasure, Love!"

"Hidden treasure?" they repeated.

"Yes, it's because I was the last member to be revealed."

They continued their introductions until Doni asked why they had so many main vocals.

"We are the vocal team," Seungkwan answered.

"Main vocal then?"

They went through listing their parts as "main," "sub," and "lead vocals." Love honestly didn't like these distinctions, seeing as they all had amazing voices and it didn't seem to make much of a difference.

He then asked about the hip hop unit who explained that they were in charge of rap before turning to her team, the performance unit.

"Who's in charge of the main performance? Sub performance?"

"We don't have titles like that," Hoshi explained, Love nodding as well.

"Perhaps The8 and I are in charge of the performance atmosphere?" Jun suddenly said, making Love blow out a puff of air in surprise.

"Performance atmosphere," she repeated with a small laugh.

"Love is in charge of 'female performance' then?" Doni joked. They were then instructed to perform "Mansae," and took their places.

As they finished up, Doni and Coni clapped for them, cheering them on. "I could see the dust fly past," Coni said.

"I feel like you would have bumped into each other while doing dances like this. Especially on a small stage."

At the same time that S Coups pointed to Seungkwan, Dino pointed to Love. She noticed and lightly smacked his arm.

"These two often do so," Seungcheol said.

"It's during the fun part though," she explained, with a small pout. "I get carried away sometimes."

"Anyways, the song is good and doing the choreo altogether makes it nice," Coni concluded.

"They say there's a performance they prepared together. They say they prepared Super Junior's 'Sorry Sorry' in Seventeen's version. Music, cue!"

Love's eyes widened as everyone rushed to their spots hurriedly. "Hurry, hurry!" The music began, and they performed their choreography.

"I've always been curious if idols practice these things separately. Like when Dino and Vernon clapped, their facial expressions," Doni commented.

Dino explained that they practice in the mirror. Doni then asked if Seungkwan practiced this as well. "I practice sexy expressions." Love cringed as he gave an example, hiding her expression against Hoshi's shoulder.

"The company chose him well," Coni said, referencing his ability to make things funny.

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