Chapter 8

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Taking a another piece of my steak into my mouth while conversating with aunt Victoria and Antonio.

This steak is chewy as fuck damn.

"Babe did you notice how the boys were drooling over Val". She said while eating and looking at me while wiggling her eye brows.

"I don't think they were drooling over me ,they were just being nice I believe".I said shaking my head at her.

"If you knew what they said about you".Antonio said looking at his plate.

"Wait what were they saying?.I asked curiously

"Make it your mission to find out".Antonio said back ,glancing up at me.

Shit I have to learn Italian now


Ahh that was an amazing shower ,I said to myself while drying my body and after apply my lotion ...

Let's see if I have any outstanding work I need to do.Great ,they sent the shoot pictures ,fuck I look fucking damn

Kevin is calling...

"Hyy Kevin".I said tired

"Hyy mami how are you?"he asked dragging his tone

"What happened?"I asked

"I'm fucking tired and need someone to massage my feet but you are not here".he says fake sobbing

"Wow so you only need me to massage you."I say

"Of cause not ,but what you up too in Italy girl".he asked

"Oh my the men here just get hotter and hotter,at this point I don't even care if I don't know them ama get my pussy ate regardless". I say

"That's my girl".he cheers

I ended the call after ten minutes of talking. Fuck Kevin talks a lot but at least his funny.I said to myself while getting in to bed.

Wrapping my self in my bed sheets and imagine his hands wrapping around me instead, his tattooed hands around my waist or my ne....

Ohhh bitch

Wrapping myself like a butterfly in a caccon  and just sitting there thinking about him, giving me time to sink in his features but damn he really didn't have to curve me like that . I mean he could have at least said hi ,what a mean,rude,tall,sexy,handsome,attractive Greek sculpture of a men but still his not all that I mean his just good looking and shit.

Shit I don't even know his name.

Shit I don't even know his name

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