Chapter 2 : who are you?

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A/N: cheers my guys and girls and in-betweens. The book is not to bad. Not going to great but I have finally got my motivation to continue the story! Without any further information let's get this started.

No pov:

After Jay found out that his biological father was Cliff Gordon he decided to permanently stay at his fathers old house in the forest. While he was at said house he found a letter from Cliff giving Jay the details to his bank. During this the ninja were still trying to locate Jay but soon give up knowing he has went off the grid.

2 Weeks Later...

Jay's pov:

It's been two weeks since I left... I have been living in my fathers house as I have redecorated the inside taking down most of the stuff in my new house as I have been putting up pictures of me and my adopted parents. During this time I have also hung up my Ninja Suit on the wall in my new room. I've been passing my time playing a few video games but I have mainly been working out in my fathers gym and due to me spending most of my time in my father's gym I have became a lot stronger. Even though I've been physically I have still been training my elemental power to the extent where I can start to absorb electricity to a certain point and then push it back out.
Although I left the monastery and the other ninja I still wonder how Cole is doing but I have started forgetting about them.

*Jay is seen as he is punching a punching bag releasing some electricity from his fists as he charges one more punch releasing more electricity as he punches through the punching bag*

"Backstabbing betrayers.. I will get my revenge and I will be stronger..."

Wu's POV:

Wu :
Since Jay has left the team has been slightly happier except Cole. I can tell Cole misses his friend as he has became more quiet and quick tempered.
Cole also has started training more intensely than I would have every expected so I sent him on a trip to calm his nerves. I do not know where he has went but I hope he will find himself soon and return to us in one piece.

3rd POV:

A/N : I will make the day of departed event happen sooner.

Day of departed happens a bit differently and Cole becomes human again.

It has been a few days since cole has become human again as he is seen scaling a mountain in northern Ninjago.

Cole's POV:

Cole :
I have been scaling a mountain in the north for a few hours as I find a cave which leads into the mountain. I take a look at the cave as I decide I have gone for long enough knowing I should come back because I feel I strange connection with this place.
I then turn back and head to the monastery by foot due to my vehicle getting broken.

Jay's POV (again):

I have been walking around the forest at night as I see some smoke around a mile from where I am.
I quickly run over to the smoke as I see a burnt out fire with someone sitting behind the put out campfire.

"Who are you?..." I ask with a hint of curiosity

???'s POV:

"My name?"

"Good question... my name is Shiro. But others call me the elemental master of Time.."

"So.. Shiro.. Why are you in the forest alone?" Jay asked.

"Well. I heard a rumour that an elemental master was out here. So I can to see which one and if it was worth my time to talk to them. But I guess I have already found that elemental master. Isn't that right master of lightning.." I say.

"So.. you know. What would you possibly want from me?" Jay asked.

"I heard you left those ninja. Smart move but you still haven't unlocked your elements true power."

"What do you possibly mean, 'true power'. Are you suggesting I haven't reached my true potential?" Jay asked while being slightly pissed off.

"Calm down friend. And yes... your true power will come once you break your chains from the green ninja and escape a near death experience." I said still keeping my voice low. "I can help you remove the link from your element to the green ninja but the near death experience you would have to do yourself..."

"So you want to help me?"

"In short words yes. I want to help and train you."

A/N: that's the end of this chapter. Sorry it's short but this chapter was mainly meant to introduce The master of Time, James and give some information about what happened after Jay left. And yes the mountain Cole was at was the mountain of shintaro. I will try and upload the next chapter as soon as possible. Hopefully after my exams.

835 words.

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