Chapter 3 : a new plan

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A/N: thank you guys. More people are reading this than I thought + sorry for the wait. Well without any further ado let's continue the story

3rd POV:

Jay and Shiro were in jay's new house thinking of a new plan and if there is someone they could recruit to help them.

"So.. what do you reckon we do?" Jay said curiously

"Good question. First we will probably want to fake your death so the ninja won't look for you and break you ties with the green ninja so you could use your powers with no restrictions.." Shiro said in a calm but serious tone.

"So how would we take my death?" Jay said.

The two sat for a while wondering how they could fake jays death when it hit them.

"We could have an apartment blow up and leave some of my belongings so when the ninja check it out they will think i died" Jay said

Shiro looked at him for a second then spoke "Jay.. I question if your just stupid or actually smart. But that is a good plan."

They both set up an apartment on the top floor of a building and then put jays stuff inside. After waiting for everyone else to leave the building Shiro used his power to freeze time in the room as they set off the explosions as he got the two far away from the building but close enough to see what will happen.
Around 30 minutes later the Ninja arrived at the scene and put out the fire and made sure that there was no dead bodies. After 10 minutes of the ninja being there they see jay's old uniform partially burnt but with not any major damage to the suit.

A week later...

A bit over a week after the 'death' of Jay Walker, there was a funeral for him. This is held at where Zane's statue from season 3 was but now it is replaced with a statue of Jay.
"We are brought here today for the loss of a friend, son, brother, and student.." master wu said in a soft but cold tone. Everyone of the ninja said some words and around 30 minutes to a few hours later everyone left as Jay and Shiro walked up to the memorial.
"You should change your look.. go undercover so they won't know it's you.." Shiro stated to Jay in a serious tone.
"Yeah... but what now?" Jay asked Shiro.
"Prison. We wait until you can change your appearance and be able to use your powers for efficiently." Shiro blankly stated as he started to walk away and get into a car as Jay followed behind him.
A few weeks later Shiro found the perfect opportunity to get into Kryptarium Prison. As he and Jay made the plan they then got into the prison as prisoners.
"When I said change your appearance I meant more hair colour and new haircut... not a mop for hair.." Shiro would slightly laugh at Jay.
"You said change my appearance. So I did" Jay looked at him giving him a snarky answer.

A/N : Jay looks like how he did in season 8

After an hour or two they both got into the prison and managed to be in the same cell as each other. They spent a while in their cells as Shiro finally spoke up.
"Really? you had to pick a name and you chose James Gordon?" Shiro asked Jay
"Yeah? So what? You got a problem with it..?" Jay asked Shiro while being ticked off at his question.
"It's very similar to your real name.." shrio pointed out
"Just go to sleep" Jay said to him wanting him to finally shut up and let him sleep.

Ninja's POV :

Ever since Jay 'died' Cole has not returned to the monastery and has been out 'finding himself'. Since then Wu has also got colder and more harsh seeing as he lost two of his students. The others still don't like Jay but they feel a huge sense of guilt for his death. Zane has turned off his emotions and has stayed in the basement of the monastery working on random things. Lloyd has been training a lot more. Kai has joked about his death from time to time. Nya has become a lot more short tempered. Wu has been in his library reading to take his mind of the fact he lost another student. And Cole is somewhere in Ninjago.. no one knows where he is since he left his suits and tracker at the base and is making his own suit.

(Time skip...)


It has been 2 months since Jay faked his death and while being in Kryptarium Prison they have found out about information on small crime groups and they both believed it was time to break out.
"So 'James'. You ready to leave this place?" Shiro asked him trying to annoy him.
"Shut it.. and yes let's leave this place. We got some information so we can leave now." Jay said while being somewhat pissed off with shiro.
The next night Shiro and Jay got out of the prison by using Shiro's Power to control time and they went back to jay's house as Shiro started to train Jay.

Thank you for reading this chapter. Sorry it took long to release. I have been pretty busy but I will try and get the next chapter out as soon as possible.

917 words.

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