Chapter 6 : First Strike

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A/N: hello you lovely lot. Hope you enjoy this chapter and I thought I'd go into more depth for people who don't know what ninjago is.

Narrator POV:

The ominous echoes of the distant lightning strike reverberated through the air, leaving the once-united ninja team in a state of awe and concern. Jay, the betrayed master of lightning, observed the unfolding events from his secluded spot, his gaze locked onto the electrifying spectacle.

Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the lightning strike, Shiro, the enigmatic wielder of time manipulation, approached Jay with a stoic expression. "This is just the beginning, Jay. The storm you've unleashed holds the key to your redemption," he cryptically remarked.

As the other ninja cautiously approached the mountain where the dragon emerged, tensions ran high. Jay's former comrades couldn't ignore the lingering guilt of their betrayal, now amplified by the mysterious events unfolding before them.

The dragon, wreathed in crackling lightning, soared above the mountain peaks, its imposing figure casting an otherworldly glow. Jay felt a surge of power within him, a connection to the majestic creature that transcended his elemental mastery.

Shiro turned to Jay with a knowing look. "Embrace the storm, Jay. Only by confronting the shadows of your past can you unlock the true potential of your lightning."

With determination in his eyes, Jay approached the dragon, feeling an unspoken bond between them. The betrayed ninja and the majestic beast moved as one, their combined energy resonating with the stormy atmosphere.

Back at the base, the other ninja grappled with their conflicting emotions. Witnessing Jay's newfound alliance with the dragon forced them to confront the consequences of their betrayal. Unspoken words hung heavy in the air as they silently contemplated their next move.

As Jay and the dragon unleashed their combined power, the sky erupted in a dazzling display of lightning. The once-betrayed ninja had found an unexpected ally in the storm, and the path to redemption stretched out before him, veiled in electrifying uncertainty.

The mountain trembled as Jay and the dragon synchronized their energies. The lightning intensified, weaving a dazzling tapestry across the darkened sky. The air crackled with electric energy, and the ground beneath the ninja team quivered in response.

As the storm surged, memories of the betrayal echoed in Jay's mind. Shiro, ever watchful, sensed his inner turmoil. "Confront your past, Jay. Only then can you harness the true strength of lightning," Shiro urged, his words a whisper carried by the wind.

Jay closed his eyes, drawing upon the storm's power. In that moment, flashes of his time with the ninja team played like lightning-illuminated snapshots. Emotions surged – betrayal, hurt, and the longing for understanding.

The dragon's eyes met Jay's, an ancient wisdom exchanged between them. Together, they unleashed a burst of energy that sent shockwaves through the mountains, causing the very ground to quake.

Back at the base, the other ninja felt the seismic shifts. "What the hell is going on?" Lloyd, the master of energy, proclaimed. The ice ninja Zane gave him a logical explanation on how it is most likely the dragon that has risen from the mountain

Soon after the ninja got ready as they boarded the destiny's bounty and set a course for the mountain. The entire time they were on the bounty they were preparing for a large fight.

At the summit, Jay and the dragon hovered in a harmonious dance of lightning. Shiro stood at the sidelines, a silent observer. "This storm is a catalyst, Jay. Embrace your destiny," he intoned cryptically.

With newfound clarity, Jay addressed his former comrades. "We may have faced a storm of betrayal, but together, we can weather any tempest. It's time to rebuild, stronger than before."

The dragon's wings extended wide, the storm reaching its crescendo. Lightning arced across the sky, forging a bond between the betrayed and the Large Dragon In that moment, amidst the chaos, a path to revenge emerged – a journey lit by the electrifying glow of unity and destruction.

While jay and the Dragon were bonding Shiro spoke up to his friend and comrade. "Hey Jay, you might want to hurry up a bit." Shiro then got jays attention to the Destiny's Bounty. "Good point, I'll wrap this up." As Jay said that he turned back to the dragon as the dragon lowered his head and then started to go inside of jays body. "Wait... that's a source dragon..." Shiro said with a widened mouth. Jay turned and was in the middle of saying "what's a sour-" Jay was cut off by Shiro. "Jay they are close, we need to go, NOW!" Shiro yelled as he froze time and grabbed Jay as he was then unfrozen. "Can you atleast explain what's a source dragon?" Jay asked as he was getting a bit confused as to why Shiro called it that.

Shiro breathed in and then exhaled as he then spoke to Jay. "Alright jay, I'll explain when we get back to your house. But for now we need to go back because the ninja are incredibly close." After Shiro explained to jay the situation jay spoke. "Before we go... I'm going to leave the ninja a gift to show I'm back..." Jay put something on the floor and turned around and got on his bike and Shiro got into a car jay had bought but he improved.

After both of them left Shiro unfroze time as they were far enough but the ninja had no idea that the two had already fled from the mountain. Once the ninja landed near the peak they got off the bounty and walked up the mountain. As they were walking up the mountain they were all on guard but once they reached the peak they all stopped as Kai spoke up. "Isn't there meant to someone here or something?" Zane replied to Kai's question. "Affirmative, realistically someone should be right there." He then pointed to a pair of footprints facing the lightning strike on the floor. The ninja slowly walked towards the footprints and they then noticed the thing that jay left. "Wait? Is that..." Lloyd was in the middle of speaking but then Cole picked up what was on the floor and spoke. "It's... jays crest from one of his old suits... but it's slightly burnt." As Cole finished speaking Kai spoke up. "So that means..." after Kai started his sentence all the ninja spoke up and they all said in unison. "Jay is alive..."

HELLO HELLO YOU LOVELY LOT! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter I plan to give Jay a new outfit with a bit of flair. All I will say is imagine him in assassin's creed. And with that, that is the end of this chapter. I will write for you guys again soon.

1138 words.

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