More than friends

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AN: ignore the cover photo 😭

~Pavitrs POV

My heart is beating when we get to my house. We should have told miles and gwen- what if they think we're fucking in the BATHROOM. God i hope not- i start panicking- does miles and gwen even know how to get home-? Of course they do.. i hope they do- oh god.

"Chill out." I feel hobies comforting cold hands wrap around my waist, how is he always so cold.. hes so cool. And cold. Cold and cool.

"Jesus." I shiver.

"I cant believe we're actually doing this.." he mumbles into my ear as he lays his head on my shoulder. I shiver.

"I know.." i agree with him (my font gelp its glitchibg)

"What did you dream of..?" I ask him so curious and desperate to know.

"You." He just ends it there.

"Thats.. it?" I ask, knowing its not. "You were moaning."

"Mm.. maybe a little more, so.. you like it rough huh?" He jokes around as he lets go of me- how did he know that..

"How do you know..?" I watch him sit down.

"You told me, when we were drunk."

I turn red and watch him smirk.

"Fuck." I cover up my face with my hands.

"Mhhmmm." He chuckles.

"Shut upp. At least im not having wet dreams of my best friend." I add.

"Just you're best friend? Damn. Thought we were dating."

"Not officially. Well. Now officially. Starting now, you better remember our anniversary." (Hobie forgetting pavs birthday is hobies canon event.)

"I will." He promises me.

"Will you kiss me again?" I ask him not knowing if i should have.

"You dont have to ask.. we arent in middle school."
He's right.

"Consent is key." I say. (Real!)

"Whatever makes you comfy, love." I cant tell if he really meant i was his love or he's just a British fuck.

"So can i?" I ask once more.

He doesnt respond. He just grabs my waist and pulls me close, our lips not touching but we're dangerously close.. desperately close.

"As you wish."

Im nervous.. i wasnt nervous before whats so different now..?

"Can you..?" I didnt even finish my sentence before our lips were smashed together, it wasnt a pretty or simple kiss. It was a desperate kiss, i knew what i wanted. It was him.

"Mmn.." i moan into the kiss as i sat on his lap, pushing him down.

"So you admit it, you do like it rough?"

"Shut it." I hide my face again, he grabs my hands.

"I want to see your beautiful face, not just as friends. As my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend.. i like the sound of that."

"What? Think i was gunna call you my dog or somethin?" He chuckled.

"You know thats not what i meant." I punched his chest.

He wraps his hands on my cheeks and i feel them warm up.

~Hobies POV.

I hold pavitrs cheeks feeling them warm up, i admire his eyes.

"Your eyes are like diamonds, my love." I say.

He looks away.

"My eyes aren't nothin special..." he looked embarrassed.

"You're eyes are the colour of space, the dirt hugging at the earths core, the beauty of your eyes is mother nature." I cant stop myself from loving this boy.
He looks back at me.

"Really..?" He hopefully asks.

"And more." I calmly say.

"Theres no way you didnt quote that from like- a chat ai."

"So what if i did."  I chuckle.

"Asshole." He flicks me.

"OwH!" I grab my forehead where he hit me.

"Thanks." I say.

"Your welcome:3"

AN: short one again im kinda pre occupied by not getting grounded :D

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