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~Hobies POV.

Cops, always hated em. Actually i have a tattoo of FTP on my arm. Although i do have.. a small liking to Pavitr so i'd do anything for him.. if it means manipulating a lorax ass bitc... like who names their kid 'Forrest' ?? Pussy name, pussy parents and a pussy man.

"So Pavitr, do you remember anything from the night." I hear a cop say from Pavitrs room. Apparently i cant be in there with Pavitr but i can fucking hear the loud fucker so whats the point in taking me away from him.

~Pavitrs POV.

"Vividly.. he kissed Hobie and then i got jealous so i.. i kissed Hobie insteeadd annnd.. im sorry.." i look down.

"No, its alright. Do you need anything.?" The cop asked.

"No.. sir its alright, thank you. Uhm.. he took me away and bought me a drink.. err.. took me to a booth.. he kept getting so close.. i remember he grabbed my wrist so hard.." i look down at my wrist to see deep cuts of fingernails.

"Oh jeez.. thats deep, how about we get that checked out see if there can be any proof of dna in there and then you'll have more evidence in court if you choose to sue." He wrote downs somerhing on his sheet of paper as he spoke.

"Sue..? Well-.. i dont want to ruin his.." i look worried for a second.

"If you sue he'll get about 20-13 years of prison for assault and attempted kidnapping and a lot of money, if you choose not to sue we're going to hold him overnight see if theres any other victims due to the reason of most kidnappers dont.. only have one victim."

"He seems like a nice guy.. i think he was just drunk.." i hug myself tightly.

"Hun.. if i were you id sue his ass, imagine the amount of other men and women hes done that to and they havent spoken up about it.. do you want to be a hero or just another victim?" He asks me.

"M-.. i have too.. did he seriously say Hobie was spiderman?" I giggle a bit at the sad truth.

"Yes sir, we believe he may have some form of mental illness wether it be around the lines of schizophrenia or hes a compulsive liar, we obviously know hes not completely sane due to the current circumstances of.. well last night. Anyways, thats all the evidence i need for your case.. we will be checking the cameras apparently hes a regular, theres high chance you're not alone. You did good." The police officer smiled and left me alone.. i wanted it that way, i cant deal with all of this right now.

AN: short one sorry:c

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