Into the World of Demons

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(Part two after the boy gets knocked out)

Blitz: "Well fuck boy here is out cold."

Moxxie: Sir, what the hell.

Blitz: What? His dumb ass fault he didn't read the note.

Moxxie: "Sir your hand writing is terrible also did you ever think he might have been a client." *Walks closer* Wait... is he a human.
Blitz taking notice "Well shit guess he is, can we kill him?"

Moxxie: No we should find out how he got here, also he was just looking for some help look at his arm. *Millie walks in the room and notices the human boy laying on the ground* "Well now why's a human laying on the floor?"

Moxxie says " Blitz knocked him out with a baseball bat when he walked in."

Blitz: "Still he must be pretty bad ass to somehow get into hell and survive the cleanse" Suddenly they here stomping from the other room coming to them Loona: Ughh who gives a shit if Blitz knocked a human out with a- wait the fuck?

Millie: "What is it hun?"

Loona: "Why's there a human in hell?"

Millie: "No idea hun." Loona: "Well I'm gonna go get something to eat you guys can deal with the human bitch." Moxxie then whispers "Your the only bitch here." "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Loona says, Moxxie: "Ughh... Shit nothing, I said nothing!" "Yeah that's what I thought baby dick." *Loona says this before walking off* "It's okay babe don't let her get to you." Millie says " I know honey." Blitz: "Alright enough with the lovey dovey shit the kids waking up." * They then all stand over and wait for him to wake up.

(The Boys pov)

(His thoughts) Aaahhh shit man what happened, the last I remember is hearing someone behind me and I get hit in the back of the head.

???: "Hey there buddy you awake?" Suddenly he looks up to see the three demons standing around him "HOLY SHIT! Ughh hi... Could I get names before you guys do anything to me?" ???: "Shut it we're asking the questions."

???: Baby give him some space he wakes up to find a bunch of demons staring at him and hell he was outside surviving the cleanse before finding us he must be hella scared." ???: Yeah I guess your right." ???: "Easy to manage." "AM NOT!" ??? replied "Are too." The boy: "So may I get names or what?" As he says this he stands up. "Oh yeah shit, sorry kid I'm Blitz the O is silent, That's Moxxie and She's Millie, Millie:" Happy to meetcha." and in the other room is my little angel Loonie. "ADOPTED DAUGHTER AND IT'S LOONA BLITZ, HOW MANY TO DO I HAVE TO FUCKING TELL YOU!" Love you too honey. But anyway what's your name kid, and how'd you get here? My name, my names Josh. Now Josh was a handsome boy that was six foot, had shortish brown hair, brown eyes, and slightly tan with a pretty muscular build but was mostly hidden by the sweat pants and baggy hoodie with a black t shirt underneath, while also having a scar on his right eye that went from the middle of his eyebrow to his cheek bone with a sorrow look in his eyes and wears a cross necklace. "But as I somehow got into hell, I don't know all I know was that I was in my apartment then a portal opened up under me and I fell in and ended up here." Moxxie: Well that's strange someone has open a portal in order for one to open on earth. But Josh you gotta go back to earth now you can't stay in hell. Josh: Look Moxxie I can't leave just yet I wanna find out who or what opened the portal and I'll even work for you guys and clean and repair this place.  Blitz: Well I was thinking about killing you but new employees sounds better. Moxxie: But sir we'll be in big trouble if people find out there's a human in hell! Blitz: I don't give a shit Moxxie I want a new employee! Moxxie: But sir do you know what will happen if Lucifer finds out! Blitz: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK YOU BABY DICKED TROLL!
Josh: Hey um sorry to interrupt but my do you guys have anything I can patch my arm up with? Blitz: Oh shit ya sorry there should be a med kit in the kitchen and some food and shit in the fridge. "Okay thanks" Oh and Josh welcome to being my newest employee and you can stay here for the time being. *Blitz then gets really close to him and whispers to him* "But if you even think about betraying doing anything bad I will fuck you in your ass." "I won't do anything like that I promise." Josh says before walking off into the kitchen to go look for the medkit while Blitz and Moxxie still argue. As Josh is looking around in the kitchen he accidentally bumps into something soft and furry as he looks to see what he bumped into he hears "Watch where your fucking going Moxxie!" But as she looks down she sees not Moxxie but Josh, but she also looks into the staring eyes of Josh but to not see lustful eyes or anger but see seen sorrow in his eyes, sadness that had seemed like a endless void of despair, and this made her stop and think about what she just said to him believing him to be Moxxie and so she apologized. Loona: Oh your the human, sorry I thought you was Moxxie. Were you looking for something to eat? *She then moves out the way* Josh: No I'm fine thank you, but do you know where the medkit is I got my arm cut pretty bad and Blitz said it was in here. *He then shows her his arm* Loona: Shit that's pretty bad here I'll go grab the medkit for you *She then grabs the medkit and hands it to him* Josh: Thanks, Loona was it? "Yeah how'd you know my name?" Blitz and you yelling at each other. *As their talking he walks over and sits on the couch and unwraps the cloth around his cut arm and before he could start to stitch up his arm Loona stops him* Loona: Here let me do it for you. "No it's okay I got it." Josh replies. Loona: Think of it as a apology for what I said to you. "Okay thank you then" Josh says and gives a gentle smile but Loona notices he still has that same sorrowful look in his eyes and wonders (Loona's thoughts) "Why does he have such a sad look even while he smiles. Man now I feel even more like shit for what I said." "Hey, I never got your name." She then says. He then replies with "The names Josh." "Cool" "How'd you even get into hell and aren't you freaked out having demons around you and that shit you, you are religious aren't you?" She then points at his cross necklace. "Yeah I was a little freaked out at first but it doesn't seem like demons and whatnot don't seem as bad as everyone makes them out to be." Josh says. Well shit gets pretty bad down here Loona says and as she is just about finishing up his arm she notices a slice scar across his wrist and see stares at it and Josh covers his wrist and says sorry before getting up and walking away. Loona: What the hell was that? Josh: It was nothing. Loona: Have you tried ki- Josh: It was nothing okay, it was nothing let's leave it at that. "What ever" Loona says before walking off. As Josh watches her leave he sits back on the couch he looks down at his arm thinking Loona did a pretty good job and as he was thinking he gets more and more tired and eventually falls asleep putting his head on his arm and he sleeps but it's a restless sleep, not from the pain of his right arm but rather more of his nightmares. The endless nightmares that have haunted him for years. The ones from when he was a child, the ones from when he was a teenager, and the one that he sees every single night ever since it happened. That's when he heard it the gunshot, and he awoke shaking in a cold sweat staring at his hands. Once he realized it was a dream he looked around seeing it was dark figured that everyone else went home to wherever they lived and once he seen this he spoke out loud. "Should I, try killing myself again?" That's when he heard it a bottle or cup falling and smashing on the ground and when he looked behind him he seen Loona staring at him shocked from what he said.

(The writer talking btw) I just wanted to say sorry for this taking a bit and thank you for everyone that has helped and been nice to me and gave me ideas for the story because they really help. ALSO PLEASE DON'T LET ANY OF THIS SUICIDE STUFF GET TO YOU THIS IS JUST FOR THE STORY AND SEEK HELP IF YOU DO HAVE THOUGHTS LIKE THAT AND REMEMBER GOD LOVES YOU AND HARD THINGS HAPPEN IN LIFE BUT YOU CAN RESPOND TO IT WITH LOVE AND FORGIVENESS AND REMEMBER TO HAVE A GREAT DAY (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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