Acceptance test

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Eight months have passed...

__☁ The sound of tree leaves caressing the air ☁__

On my way to Tomioka Sensei as usual to see what he will teach me today.

"In fact, I have nothing else to tell you"

- You mean I'm ready for the test?!
"You have done your best from the first day of your training until now. I don't deny it. Make sure you come back alive"
I bowed to him in gratitude,

- Thank you very much and who denies that you are the best sensei
Then we walked a bit to the front of his house and then he enter it while saying

"Demons weakness is-"

- The neck i know
"The important now that your sword you have will not kill the demons because it's an ordinary sword"

- So there are special swords right?
"Well said, they are called Nichiren swords"
he said to me while offering me the sword.

- Woaaah
"Hammered with a certain type of steel that absorbs the sun's rays"
"The place where you will take the test will be at the top of Fujikasane Mountain"

- Where is located ?
Then he told me where the way was, then he told me to go home and he wouldn't advise me anything. I told him I would pass him tomorrow before I go And now I'm on my way to the Butterfly Palace.

" Omedetō (congratulations) Shizuka chan, you've finished all your traininges"
The three girls, aoi and Kanao also surprised me at the door.

"We should celebrate" Shinobu san said as she walked across the hallway while greeted me.

"Are you going to stand like this? Come inside"

_________☁ 🌙 ☁ ________

- Woah, all this food !
There was grilled fish, ramen and vegetables soap.

"Of course a girl like you who is still growing must eat to get bigger and stronger" shinobu san said

- Thank you all I can't believe that, Wait, you're going to eat with me. I can't eat all this alone
- Mmm, I've never eaten like this before
"Wait for rice cakes to sweeten it with Ocha (green tea)"
The girls told me.
While eating a piece of cake Shinobu san said while placing her hand on Kanao's shoulder.

"Even though you, Shizuka, came long after Kanao, she still training and haven't taken the exam yet
This indicates your volition and power as well"

- It doesn't mean by training quickly. The important thing is to implement it, to see what I will do tomorrow, if what I trained will be useful.
And you, Kanao will be a more skilled slayer soon
"You will succeed, we all believe that"
"success accompany you"
Kanao said in her inaudible voice.
It was a very beautiful evening, and I was happy too, and I forgot the difficulty of what I will be going through, but with their encouragement, I will never disappoint them.

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