Brothers bonding

366 8 8

Story: Green and Yellow are having a bad day, well, let's make them happy again.

No one pov
Red was having breakfast, he and Second were talking about animation stuff and about tonight's movie night, they were so excited! Not for so long, Yellow and Green showed up.
🧡,❤️:Good morning :D
🩵,💚: ... Good morning....

Red pov
I could see Green and Yellow are exhausted and sad. We talked about Yellow sleeping problems and we told him NOT OVERWORKING HIMSELF AGAIN! I see he didn't listen, again. I stood up and went to the living room, angry and sad at the same time. I was surprised when I saw Victim and Purple sitting on the couch. Victim was reading a book and Purple was trying to build a card house. I lightly laughed, It was a funny watch Purple with a "straight face".
❤️: Hey Mr. Victim, heya Purple.
💜: Hi Red!
😇🩶: Hello Red, and please I already told you, just call me Victim.
❤️: Sorry, I'm used to it.
😇🩶: It's ok, don't worry.
💜: Hey, something happened? You're play with your sleeve. ( Yes! They have clothes TwT).
I freeze, I hate when I have to explain the situation. Luckily Second showed up. And he maybe heard our conversation, because he replied instead of me.
🧡: Green have his depression time and Yellow overworked himself again. But I think it's more just that.
😇🩶: Oh, well. Today is the movie night isn't it?
❤️: Yeah, but it's so far away.
🧡: Maybe we can do a music battle or play some games like...........ummmmmmm. I don't know.
💜: That's sounds like a good idea, but what game we didn't played yet?
🩵: We didn't played Poppy playtime or Mario cart for so long.
💜: Ok, first of all how long have you been here! And second of all, great idea.
Let's play Mario kart. Muahahaha.
🧡: Nooooooo TwT.

Time skip
No one pov

💛: No sorry guys, I'm busy.
♥️🕷️: Oh h*** nah! You are going out of this lab and it's final.
💛: Pff, Whatever.
Yellow went to the living room, everyone was there. Green was so grumpy, that Purple had to bring him a Cola.
💜: So.......what are we watching?
❤️: We are going to watch..........."your insert favourite movie"
💚: Ok, I think?....
🧡: Great, let's start!
They started to watch, the movie was so good that Chosen and Dark fell asleep.
💛: Ok, that's it, your going down!
💜: Oh really? You know I'm Mario kart champion!
💚: Yellow, move out!
💛: Nah, I'm good.
They laughed, they actually felt better.
💚,💛: thanks guys for help.
❤️: You're welcome guys. Anytime.


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