Thriller part 1

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No one pov
🧡: Come on Yellow! How can everyone watch the Terminator but I can't?!
💛: If I remember correctly, when we watched thriller last time, you where scared and almost didn't slept for three days.
🧡: Ok, I know. But that was because it was about the apocalypse!
💛: Sorry Sec, but no. You can't watch that.
🧡: Then why Red can watch?! He is literally just a year older. If your argument is that I'm so young to watch that then why Red can?
💛: I see your not dumb.
🧡: Of course I'm not dumb.
💛: Well, to answer your question. Red loves thrillers, cuz of actions. If there aren't any zombies, mobs or some other horror stuff, he is cool with that.
🧡: That's it?..
💛: Yes, now please don't interrupt us, ok?
💛: Great, bye Second.
Yellow closed the door. Second was still standing in front of Yellow bedroom door. He has angry eyes. After a minute, he went to his room, angry.

TSC pov
This is the fifth time this week. When I was in my room, I locked the door, just in case. Why? Well, I buys some mystery and fantasy books aka the "banned" books. Because they have some things that aren't for me, bla bla bla.
Ugh, I'm tired of it! I'm not 8 years old anymore, plus I really like these books so if someone is going to take them away from me then they are dead. Plus I plan to play some games later. Of course the "banned games".
Why, just why?! I took out the books, and I started to reading. Today is Alan and his family on the vacation, so I have some kind of break. Well, Alan needed a break, he was sooo exhausted and tired when we animated. I hope, he is ok.
Umm, the first book is already finished, that was fast. Ummm, oh! Harry Potter. I saw Green and Blue read that, and I'm actually curious. But of course, they said the same thing. I started reading. But then I heard the knock. Shoot.

A fifteen minutes earlier
Red pov
Yellow finally closed the door. And that's good, I think cuz Blue and I almost ate popcorn.
🩵: Did he left?
💛: I think he left. So we can watch.
Yellow said. Everyone was so excited. But I honestly wasn't so happy. It feels so unfair.
❤️: Ummm, isn't it kinda well unfair?
💚: Red, we talked about that. He is scared of thrillers.
❤️: No, he was scared, because last thriller was about apocalypse and horror in the same time. Plus I'm not supposed to watch that movie either.
I said in a little bit angry tone. Blue looked at me. He knows what I was doing, and I'm glad, he played along.
🩵:... Sorry guys, he is right. He said in the surprised tone. Hmm, I'm pretty surprised too, since when Blue knew how to act?!
💛: What the...
❤️: So if you excuse me, I'm going watch movies with Second, since we are "too young" to watch that movie. I stood up and left the room. When I tried to open the door, it was locked. I knocked. No one answered.
❤️: Ummmm, Sec? Are you there?
🧡: Y-yea! Give me a sec.

No one pov
Second opened the door, he was surprised and glad that it was Red.
🧡: Need something?
❤️: Yeah actually, I was wondering if we can watch something.
🧡: I thought, you are gonna watch that thriller.
❤️: I wanted, but it was just so unfair. Wait.... what's that?
Red looked directly into the bed. Sec started to feel nervous, but it was late. Red already started looking at the book.
🧡: It's Harry Potter, I knew you guys wouldn't buy me that so I buy that by myself.
❤️: And it's good?
🧡: Yeah, It is.
❤️: Can I read that too? They didn't allow me to read that either.
🧡: Of course, just please don't say them that I have "banned games and books"
❤️: I will not tell them, I promise.


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