Heart Of Oak behind the words - quotes: their meanings, and true stories

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A/N: For all my HOO readers, including
-_-Annabeth-Chase-_-, WolvesOfHope,MythicalNerdy,Tbnrzip, 3015185A, and CryoFangs549

If you've read my book, Heart Of Oak (HOO, for short), you may have noticed my use of referances to other fandoms I'm part of.
Today, I'm going to be focusing on my quotes, quotes that I came up with by myself.
I want to go through them to talk about their meanings, and the true stories behind them.
These will be in order of appearance.

Inspiring Quotes

"A memory is one of the most powerful things in the universe. You just need to harness it."
- Tui T. Sutherland, HOO, chapter

Before you ask, no, I did not base this off of Harry Potter and the Dementors.
This is based off of a very real experience of mine; whenever I'm in a hard spot, if I focus my thoughts on a memory - more often than not, one of my friends - , it can help me through the pain.
Make of that what you will.

"The weakest are often the strongest."
                Tui T. Sutherland, HOO, chapter 28

This one make seem counterintuitive, but when you think about it, it makes sense.
People who say they're the worst, are often the best.
Holly herself is an example of this.
She never, ever thinks she's the hero.
She doubts herself and her ablilities.
But in the end, she knows what's right, and even when she's tempted, she's willing to admit it, and that's part of the reason why she's such a great character, and why she the exact right person for the job; she's humble, she knows her place; by contrast, Cottonmouth does not, and that was his downfall.

"History is written by the winning side; only upon examaining both side of a story, can you get the full picture."
                                                                                                                                                              Holly, HOO, chapter 32

I still really love this one.
This is a real thing that happens; history can be wrong.
That's why we need to use critical thinking.
Don't stop at one side of a tale.
There's always a second side.
And often, there's more than one answer to a question; sometimes people lie, sometimes everyone's wrong.

"Think of all the families getting torn apart. Think of all the fathers losing their sons to the inferno. Think of the mothers failing to rescue their childeren from Death. Think of all the inocent souls who might have tried to save those dragon eggs if they had known what their emporers were doing. Think of all the childeren - all the little ones leaving this world too early, too young to know the love they might have had later in life - only death and fire."
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Holly, HOO, chapter 32

This came to me suddenly as I was writting this chapter.
I think this quote really shows how little some people care for their fellow humans; now, of course, Dusky was really young when he and Holly had this conversation, so he has nothing to do with this. However, it shows that sometimes, humans are ignorant of the lives they gamble. There is hope, though; we can trust that where there is death, there is hope, where there is ignorance, and carelessness, there will be people who do care, people who will help, heros we can trust, even in this world.

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