So . . .

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I went on RordianVerse Wiki to look for something, and an image poped up of black Annabeth from the DisenyPlus movie they're working on.

Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with black people, and I love them like I love anyone else.
I'm so glad that the Confederates lost the Civil War and that slavery is now illegal in America.

I'm fine with people headcanoning that a minor or side character who was never really described, as being black, that's totally fine and may have even been the case.

But, Annabeth isn't a minor character.
She shows up in every book, and if she was black, it definitely would have been mentioned or at the very least, hinted at, and it wasn't.
And don't forget, Beckendorf, a son of Hephefestus, was litterally decribed by Percy as being an African-American.
And the books ALWAYS discuss Annabeth's blond hair, so either she dyed it, which is hypothetically possible, or she wasn't black.
And at least in the picture I saw, she didn't have blond hair.

Honestly, I'm not very happy about this.
Maybe I saw something else, maybe I'm just wrong, and they're actually using a different actoress, or maybe it was some unoffical, fanmade thing.
But I really just want to see a movie adaptation that's not completely messed up.
Percy canonically has striaght black hair and green eyes.
Annabeth has gray eyes like storm clouds and blond hair that she pulls up in a ponytail or braid.

I'm really hoping I'm wrong about this.
Sorry is any of you took offence to this, I promise I'm not racist (on the contrary, I am EXTREMELY against racism, and hate it with every single cell in my body), and I'm only really bothered because this just doesn't follow the books.

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