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I intended to go look for Cherry the next day, but I was stopped early in the morning, by a police officer at my door.


"Hello, are you Darrel Curtis?"

"Yes, sir."

"Older brother of Ponyboy Curtis?"

"Yes. What's wrong?"

The policeman looked off to the side, scribbled on his notepad, and looked back at me.

"I'm just going to ask you a few questions about last night."


He looked at his notepad again, and asked, "Where were you at 2:42 last night?"

"I was here, sir. On the couch, talking to my younger brother Sodapop."


Scribble, scribble, scribble.

"And has your younger brother ever had a criminal history?"

"No sir, he's quite a good kid."


Scribble, scribble, scribble.

"Alright, last question."

He looked me in the eye, and lowered his notepad a bit.

"Ever heard of a boy named Johnny Cade?"


Later that day, Sodapop came rushing home from the gas station.

"Darry! Have you read the newspaper today?"

"Picked it up, didn't look at it though. Why?"

"Look at the second page!

I took the paper as Soda passed it to me, and pointed at the article. It read:


Last night, at 2:58 AM, Eastside police were called about the murder of Robert "Bob" Sheldon. According to the callers, a young boy had stabbed Bob, and killed him. The Juvenile's name is Jonathan Andrew Cade, and the second missing suspect is Ponyboy Micheal Curtis. Fellow suspect Dallas Tucker Winston was brought into the police station this morning, and questioned. He told police that they are currently headed for Texas. If you see either of the children, contact your local police as soon as possible."

I closed the paper, and placed it on the arm of the chair.


Soda threw himself onto the sofa, and shook his head.

"I didn't know Ponyboy, or Johnny could ever kill anyone..."

"No, Soda this isn't right. Do you really think Dally would really tell the police the truth? There's no way that they're in Texas. If we talk to Dallas, we'll find out where they are."

"But Darry, we both know Dal won't talk unless he absolutely has to. Not to mention, we don't really even know anything about what happened. I say it's better if we talk to Two-bit about the last time he saw them. It sounded like he knew some stuff."


I replied, standing up and grabbing my jean jacket, throwing it on.

"I'm going to go find Two-bit. Could you take some time to go look for Dally?"

Sodapop promptly nodded, and said,

"I'll be out right after ya'."

With that, I headed out the front door, and started moving towards Two-bit's house. It was a long walk, but the coolness of the air, and the cloudy sky made it seem shorter.

As I passed by the park, and fountain, I saw policemen swarming the area.

No one in particular caught my eye, except a girl with fiery red hair, sitting on a bench, mainly away from the park.

I remembered what Dally had said.

A redhead that hated me...

She didn't look like a greaser. She was wearing makeup, but not heavily.

I went up to her, trying not to look intimidating.

It was only when I got a bit closer when I realized that she was pale, and shaking.

"Hey, are you Cherry?"

She slowly looked up at me, her eyes were alert, and terrified.


"Have you talked to Ponyboy Curtis lately?"

Some color returned to her face, and her shaking grew less intense.

"Wait a minute, you're Darry, aren't you? Ponyboy's brother?"

"Yep. That's me."

She eyed me up and down, before looking back into my eyes.

"Yeah...I ran into that cute kid at the drive-in. We really got along. But of course...that's changed."

I looked off to the side, and jammed my fists into my pockets.

"Can you tell me a little bit about last night?"

She sighed, and ran her fingers through her hair.

"I left my boyfriend - Bob, who was planning to take me there. He got boozed up, and was stumbling around like a fool. I took my seat, and a guy named Dally came forward, and started hitting on me."

The second I heard that name, I let out a heavy breath.

"And after that?"

"After some fighting, the kid who was with Ponyboy - Johnny - He told Dallas to go away, and they sat up front with me and my friend Marcia. We watched the movie, and another guy named Two-bit came along. Marcia took an interest in him. Anyway, the three had planned to drive us home, but me and Marcia's boyfriends showed up, threatened to put up a fight. We ended up just agreeing to go home with our boyfriends. I didn't know that later that night..."

She looked away from me, and a singular tear fell down her face.

"It doesn't surprise me in the slightest though...hell, they were asking for it, bein' drunk and all..."

She looked off into the sky, and shut her eyes. Her shaking finally stopped.

"I know it wasn't Johnny's fault. They were sweet kids, and I know that something had to have happened in order for Johnny to flip like that." She sighed, shook her head, and rested it in her palm.

"It's all my fault, honestly. Is there any way I can get you to forgive me, Darry?"

I crossed my arms, and looked her dead in the eye.

"Update me and the gang constantly about anything you know about the Socs. No exceptions, no excuses."

She looked at me, with a disgusted look.

"You're expecting me to tell you everything I know? And for what?"

"Nothing. You caused this whole dilemma. If it weren't for you, my brother and his friend wouldn't be missing right now, and your boyfriend wouldn't be dead. The least you could do is be on the side of right."

When I finished that sentence, she couldn't meet my eyes.

I could tell that she felt extremely guilty, despite it not being her fault whatsoever.

I had to say that to change her mind. To hit a nerve.

"Alright. Fine. Whatever, hood."

She stood up, and looked up at me.

"But pull any funny stuff, and the deal's off."

"You don't have to worry 'bout me. I can't promise anything for my friends though."

She shot me one last death stare, before walking away, to the Eastside.

The Outsiders Parody - DarryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora