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After arguing with someone who had been lookin' after Ponyboy, we finally came up the stairs, and saw him.

His hair was short, and bleach-blonde, and his face was covered in ash.

Soda came out of the door first, and completely bear hugged him, and spun him around and around.

After spinning him, Sodapop set him down, and pushed his hair out of his face.

"Oh, Ponyboy, your hair...your tuff, tuff hair..."

That's when he looked at me. It was the first time he had looked me in the eyes before I had hit him.

I swallowed, and whispered, "Ponyboy..."

At that moment, that burning feeling built up behind my eyes.

Tears started falling. I couldn't even believe myself.

I had lost my mother and father in 3 seconds, and my brothers were all I had left.

I never had to worry about losing Soda, because he already knew how I felt. But Ponyboy never had to understand that. I'm sure that as far as he knew, I was just his annoying older brother that couldn't give a hang about him.

But that just wasn't true.

I looked at my shoes, and then to my left.

Don't cry. was all I could think. Don't cry, it makes you weak.

But the silence shattered when Ponyboy screamed,


He ran up to me, and hugged me tightly around the waist.

I hugged him back, and broke out in tears.

"Darry...I'm sorry..." He whispered

"Oh, Pony, I thought we'd lost we did Mom and Dad..."

My greatest fear had been losing another. Over and over, the fear runs through my veins again.

Soda loped over, and we all hugged.

Ponyboy was back, and I could feel relief rushing over me.

After 5 days. After 5 days of wondering where in God's name he was. After 5 days of wondering if he was alive at all.

5 days, and he was finally back.


The next morning, after we had taken Ponyboy back from the hospital, I was woken up to Two-bit and Steve slamming the front door, and making fun of Ponyboy's haircut.

After showering, shaving and dressing, I came down the hallway, listening to Steve and Ponyboy talking about Boy's homes and whatnaught.

"Don't worry about it," Steve started. "They don't do things like that to heroes. Where're Soda and Superman?"

God, I hated that nickname. I hated myself for not goin' to college, but whenever I think about it, I remember that it was for Ponyboy and Sodapop, and I forgive myself.

I picked up Steve from the floor, and threw him back on it as a warning.

Soda came running out of the shower in a towel.

"Where's that blue shirt I washed yesterday?"

He took a quick sip of chocolate milk out of the carton, and Steve sarcastically said,

"Hate to tell you, buddy, but you have to wear clothes to work. There's a law, or something."

Soda tightened his towel, brushed his hair back, and hollered,

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